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Essalaamou aleikum wa rahmatul lahi wa barakatuh I ask Allah for his guidance mercy and forgiveness for myself and all believers. I have epilepsy and all praises is to Allah for he has been merciful and I get my seizures only at night mostly while I am in bed but once almost two years ago I got a seizure while I was outside and fell on my head and hit.. More
Is it allowed to use slimming creams to burn cellulite?
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Please advise me regarding the most effective way of using the oil of the black seed in guarding oneself from the devil and thwarting magic spells?
May Allaah reward you... More
I am in the first month of pregnancy, and the ultrasound showed that there is a hormonal cyst on one of my two ovaries. The doctor prescribed some medicine that may stabilize the embryo to prevent womb contraction and possible miscarriage.
If I do not take the medicine, the pregnancy may continue, but the possibility of miscarriage will still exist.
Is.. More
My sister and I have not married yet and my aunt went to a man who said Quranic therapy should be used. He told her that we are affected by envy and that our marriage is delayed by magic. He gave her some herbs, one of which we mix with our incense, another we mix with body lotion to rub our bodies with, as well as another herb which we use as incense.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
My questions are mainly related to my alopecia. I cant seem to get a clear cut answer, but before i do anything i want to be sure that im islamically correct in what I do.
1) Can i shave my whole head (if my condition gets worse & unmanegable ) on health grounds ?
2) Am i allowed to get my patches shaved by a barber who is most.. More
I had a gap between my teeth, so I used braces to close the gap. The orthodontist said that now, I will have to wear retainers at night for the rest of my life, and if I dont wear my retainers, there is a high probability that my teeth will move back and the gaps will open up again. I don't like wearing retainers, as it feels uncomfortable.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, My questions is regarding L-Glutathione tablets. Basically, when I was born I was very light & fair skinned, as I grew up without protecting my skin with sun lotion, my skin became dark and started to tan which has resulted in permanant discolouration on my hands, neck, face and other areas, I have tried to get rid of this tan, but.. More
Is there any sunnah of NABI (sal) saying that:;
u should Put DATES (food) in to water and leave it to soak and then u should drink that water if u are a NUTREL (lack of boyhood) , so that your boyhood qualities will increase ---- can i please know is it a true HADITH?
Assalamualeikum !
really appreciate ur services ,MAASHAH ALLAH !
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Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Brother, One of my elder relative has got heart attack before and was recovered alhamdulillah. He gets it again, may ALLAH save and give more life to him. In such case can I approach to non muslim hospital such as for cure or operation which they claim to do free of cost and the person represents this hospital.. More
assalam wa alykum i know a muslim who say that he will die but will not go to a non-muslim doctor and asks a question how can u believe a doctor who does not believe in Allah. is this correct?.. More
Is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) allowed in Islam for below reasons :
1) My wife has a genetic condition called HNPCC, if the gene is passed on to the child, the child when he or she reaches 40-45 years will develop cancer. We have seen many cases in the family. PDG is possible to elimante this gene.
2) I already have sons / daughters.. More
Is it permissible for one to take medications to assist in concentration for studying? There are some medications perscribed to people with certain disorders, but in some graduate schools it's being used as study aids for difficult exams and concentration. There are minimal side effects if taken correctly and for short periods of time.
Jazzakum Allah.. More
I have migraine for the past 10 years,my age is 19, i have tried all medicines but no relief,is there any islamic medication to get relief from this terrible headache... More
Assalamu Alaykum,
I wear eyeglasses and I have high degrees of myopia in my eyes. I was thinking of having a lasik operation, a laser surgery to correct myopia and get rid of the eye glasses. Is this operation permissible in islam or is it considered cosmetic?
Thank you.. More
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