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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rathmatullahi wa BarakatuI have been told by sisters that it is not permissible for a woman to have a routine cervical smear test unless there are signs of disease showing. This is due to the fact that the test is an invasive one, needing the nurse or doctor to insert something similar to a long cotton bud in through the vagina to.. More
assalam aleikum,please coul you tell me ,is using homoeopathy is halal.I don't belive it is tell me if i'm wrong.. More
Salam Alaykom. What is the ruling on CPR (cardio pulmonary resusitation) in islam? Is it ok to use it on the strangers and non mahraam?? PLease explain in full detail about the usage of CPR islamically speaking. Jazakallah Khayran.. More
Asselamu aleikum,dear scholars! Maybe I bore you with my questions but there is nobody to be asked about.(Note I'm converted Muslima from Bulgaria).My question is about vaccination.Is it permissible to be put on our children?Some Muslims in UK deny it.They say that the vaccines are haram cause are made on animal or even embryo 's tissues and one of.. More
I would want to know, if it is permissible to use Penis enlargement pills to have big penis to satisfy ones wife... More
Are vaccines allowed in Islam? Some scholars in Pakistan are inciting the people against getting their children vaccinated for polio. They say that according to the Shariah we are commanded not to go to a place where disease exists and quote evidence from the Hadeeth "Flee from the leper as you would flee the lion", but are not allowed to use.. More
My penis size is below average is it Halaal to take herbal medicine for enlargement purposes. Or does it fall in to Tagheer Khalqe Allaah. .. More
the medicines in USA contain an ingredient magnesium serrate that could be derived from animal or plant sources, Muslim websites informing about Halaal/Haraam food state that it is Haraam if derived from animal source, if we mail a pharmaceutical industry about its status (animal or plant source) they don't bother to reply, can we use the medicines.. More
I am a 25 years-old male living abroad my country. I have a physical weakness in that my muscles are not as developed as they should be and I look like a 10 year-old baby in my chest, legs and even facial muscles. I am planning to use some growth hormones if they seem to be beneficial as I will be asking a medical professional. I want to know what.. More
I am a dentist living in England. I am going to study a three years postgraduate course in orthodontics starting this year in October. However, I am worried as orthodontics might be prohibited in Islam as it might have aesthetic practice and teeth correction, which I know that is prohibited in Islam.
Would you please advice me whether to go ahead.. More
I have a question: My uncle's son, Abdul-Maalik, (he is 6 months) has a sign in the back of his head between ears in the form of a half moon. Some said that there is a need to read Quran (or Ruqyah) for him, otherwise he will have a headache always. Is that true, and what should be done?.. More
I lack concentration and interests have a weak memory. Please tell me any Quranic solution to enhance both of them so that I can be successful enough to serve the cause of Islam one day. I wear Niqaab and my failure will surely add to the perception that Muslim girls are dumb. Please help me... More
I have been married for over 2 years and until now my wife has not become pregnant, this is not a worry for me particularly but my wife gets upset and after much pressure I have agreed to go to the doctor, not an issue but after this I expect that he will arrange an appointment at the hospital to complete a check up which will require a sample of.. More
I don't know if you will be able to help me or not but Inshaa Allaah, it should be of some benefit, I don't know if you guys know about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), but I think I have it, I have discussed with my brother and mother also, and both of them want me to go without the medication Inshaa Allaah, especially my mother, as I.. More
I have falling hair I am very worried making my life unbearable so I have had new hair put in to cover bold patches and I also pray is my praying ok? .. More
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