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Please, could you answer this question a new sister has asked me. I told her that it was a question for a scholar. Your reply is most urgent.
I am very sick right now, and no one knows what is wrong, if it is something deadly like cancer is it ok that I don't take the medicine that might help me. says:
إنـك لا تهـدى من.. More
One of my non-Muslim friends was recently diagnosed with a very malign brain cancer. I would like him to try "habat al baraka" (nigella, black onion seed) but am not sure if this will work for cancer and for a non-Muslim. If yes, could you, please advise on how he would have to treat it? .. More
I have a tooth in the upper front of my mouth that needs dental work due to decay. A part of the tooth has changed color because of the decay. I would like to know if getting a gold cap or lining around the perimeter of the tooth in order to cover the decayed part and the new filling that the dentist will use permissible? Will it render Wudu.. More
I have a question about marriage and divorce. My husband is suffering from prostate cancer, and his doctor urgently recommended him to have his testicles removed (castration) to save his life, because the hormones produced in the testicles support the cancer to grow. A friend however said that for Muslims castration is strictly forbidden and.. More
Some people use animal extract as medicine like they take out deer antler from live deer and use it as medicine similarly insulin from cow etc., is this allowed in Islam to use such medicine... More
Is taking steroids Haraam? I am very lean. From a long time I am underweight and no amount of food would fix it. I am 20 now. My weight is 32 kg it is decreasing. I have tried many medicines but in vain. Someone suggested me the use of anabolic steroid. I wanted to know if taking steroids is Haraam. .. More
Are dental braces Halaal if they are intended to bring teeth to their natural position? What about dentures and implanted teeth? Are they Halaal?.. More
Is blood screening or x-ray at medical laboratory for disease observation is the same as doing divination? I.e. look into the divining board. .. More
I would like to know is it Haram to take pills to enlarge a male organ and also the breast of woman sorry about telling you know that the size of that male organ is about 6 cm... More
What are Islamic beliefs regarding illness, medical treatment (when to seek help) or to whom they might go for an illness?.. More
If a person has a mental illness that prevents him from getting a job or from continuing his education, can he stay at home till they feel better? Or does he have to face his fears and put his trust and faith in Allah?.. More
I just want to know if I can wash my mouth with antiseptic, which contains about 27% alcohol?
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I am confused about penile enlargement by way of massage. Is this also considered as changing Allah's Creation if I do this massage? This exercise is very popular as found at websites. This is not surgery... More
I read on another Islamic sitethat in Islam women are allowed to pluck or wax the hair on their upper lip and chin but not on the rest of their face. Is this true that women are not allowed to wax, pluck or thread their facial hair? What if the women have a lot of hair on their face similar to a man and it is very embarrassing for them to be around.. More
Please refer to question 61150. This is an urgent matter. Please respond as quickly as possible. I am a sick person who has tried and tried to lose weight. I have been trying for years and have been under a doctor's care. I am suffering with high cholesterol and have a family history of diabetes and heart disease. I have been approved for gastric.. More
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