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What is the ruling on denying one of the Fundamentals of Faith?.. More
What is the ruling on a person who committed adultery then died before being punished?
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I am a young man who married six months ago and did not yet consummate my marriage. My wife wants an immediate divorce. She did not find any way to achieve that goal except to accuse me of disbelief. She attributed to me words that I did not say or even believe in, which is that I do not judge a disbeliever to be as such. She says that this invalidates.. More
What is meant by specific Takfeer? What is the difference between it and general Takfeer?
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What is the ruling on someone who commits blasphemy, and when condemned, he swears that he uttered it out of anger and that has great faith in Allaah The Almighty?.. More
When is a Muslim judged to be Kaafir (disbeliever)?
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What is the ruling on someone who judges according to man-made laws; although he believes that the legislation of Allaah The Almighty is best, he can do nothing about it? .. More
What is the criteria considered by scholars in making Takfeer? .. More
Is it possible that a Muslim commits sins but is still considered a Muslim?.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who calls a Muslim a Jew? The reason why I am asking such a question is because I live in Libya and speak the Amazigh language and consequently the Arab people there call us Jews... More
Are Christians considered disbelievers or polytheists?.. More
A married person blasphemed the religion; what is the effect of that on the marriage contract and other related matters?
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Salam Alykoum Wa Rahmatu Allah AlHamdulliah I pray 5 times a day,I don't drink, and I fast Ramdan. This year I made Hajj, and became more careful about words I say. I used to listen to music a lot in the past, and it is my habit to repeat behind the singer, now that I became more aware of the words I say,some songs that I used to sing along have words.. More
if a person repents from apostasy or blasphemy, will he be forgiven byAllah and if he is in islamic state will he be still executed even after becoming a true muslim.. More
What about the person of whom I do not know the religion; do I consider him a disbeliever or not? May Allaah reward you!.. More
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