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Do I have to draw the Jewish star as a Muslim girl?.. More
Is a Muslim who helps another Muslim to apostatize deemed an apostate or a committer of a grave major sin?
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Is it correct that every government which does not apply the rules of the Sharee‘ah (revealed laws of Islam) must be considered disbelieving and hence overthrown, pursuant to the verse in which Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {Legislation is not but for Allaah.} [Quran 12:40] Is this correct?
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I suffer from obsessive doubts. One day I bought a religious book that had some decorations on the cover. I said to my friend, "look at this book," using an offensive word to describe its decorations. Am I considered a disbeliever due to this act?.. More
What are the rulings related to judging a person as a disbeliever? .. More
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, A brother just now blamed me for making Takfir on him, when I told him, I don't make takfir, it was him who constantly makes takfir on the Muslim rulers, he said, not saying "Salam" to a Muslim is automatically Takfir. I never say Hi and always say Salam, except when I am on the street and am just sending.. More
Will all Muslims enter Paradise? Will Muslims who commit major sins enter Paradise after remaining for some time in Hell, especially Muslim women who do not wear Hijaab? Will they eventually enter Paradise?.. More
Am I permitted to claim that I am a Christian to get a job?.. More
Is the person who believes in Allaah The Almighty as well as in a Taaghoot a disbeliever?.. More
In the past, I lived among Sufis and committed some violations of Islam out of ignorance. However, I have repented, praise be to Allaah, but I did not have a ritual bath because I did not know that I was out of the fold of Islam then.
They used to tell us that a person is not responsible for acts committed before 18 years of age, which they fixed as.. More
My brother is a drug addict, and I do not want him to be buried in my grave... More
Today, most of the people in the world disbelieve in Allaah The Almighty. Will they enter Hell if they die as disbelievers?.. More
What are the acts of worship that can be offered to other than Allaah?.. More
Is it true that the Sharee'ah penalty code cannot be applied in a multi-religion country, even if Muslims rule and represent 85% of the population? Some scholars maintain this ruling. .. More
Do the Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa'ah (the mainstream Sunni Muslims) believe that a Muslim who deals in Ribaa (usury or interest) will be in Hell forever? What about Muslim women who do not dress according to the Islamic dress code, or Hijaab, and Muslims who stop praying? .. More
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