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The Buddhist statues that were recently destroyed in Afghanistan, were they destroyed because of Qur'an and/or Hadith? Should they have been saved for history's sake? What about the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt? They have faces, should they be destroyed also? Some people tell me no because the Pyramids are tombs? What is the ruling? Please supply Qur'an.. More
If a picture is hung in a dwelling, angels do not enter. What is the difference between picture, idol and photo? What about the pictures in books, magazines and news papers, text books?.. More
Are we allowed to buy dolls for our daughters?.. More
I work in a carpet store where the rugs include some animal designs. In addition we sell toys in images of bears and the alpaca, the animal whose wool we use in the rugs. My religious friend told me that the animal's designs is example of creation of Allah and he said that there's more problem because some customers buy this rugs not only for the floor.. More
Can we use human images illustrations within school textbooks to teach Islamic morals?
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Where can I find Islamic pictures that I can color in and hang on my walls? For both adults and children to color in... More
I am a student of BBA, North South University, Dhaka Bangladesh. I am a member of our Universities Photography Club. Some days ago I entered into this web site. And in the photography part I read the following statement. "Some scholars believe that it is lawful to draw living beings provided that one leaves out a vital part of that creature: like drawing.. More
Kindly forward your Fatwa on the followings:Can animated bedsheets, soft toys, and posters of cartoon characters etc. be used for decorating children's bedrooms?.. More
Is it permitted to use a postage stamp with an image of the idol god Baal whom the Prophet Elias (Peace and blessing be upon him) was against in the Holy Qur'an (37:125-126)?.. More
You are kindly requested to answer the following questions received from one of my brothers in Islam: Are Muslims allowed to purchase and promote selling gold coins with figures?.. More
As I know, hanging a picture (of a living thing) is not right. But recently I heard that it will be wrong only then when the size of the picture is identical with the original size of that living thing. Is there really any matter of size? If I hang a picture of a living thing in my room, as I know, angel can't enter in my room but devil can. Now at.. More
Are we allowed in Islam to film our selves with a video camera in a party among just women and we're sure that no men will see it because we want to send to our family in another country?.. More
My room has an attached bathroom with a pictured (butterflies) shower curtain. I always doubt about this, because it's forbidden hanging pictures of living things on the walls, as far as I know. Could you please explain this for me whether to remove this or not?
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Can Muslims have photographic pictures of his friends in his room?.. More
I win many trophies; I keep the trophies hidden in a plastic bag in a closet. Will these trophies prevent the Angels from entering the room where they are hidden?.. More
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