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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have read a fatwa regarding drawing or painting portraits. I have also read a fatwa regarding photos of living beings on your site. May Allaah reward you. I want to know whether it is permissible or not to change the appearance of living beings in photos by using editing tools. There are plenty of.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have some questions regarding toys. There are a type of toys called transformers - toys that can change from a vehicle (like car or plane) to a robot resembling a human (but clearly not human as the car parts are still visible and most do not have human faces).1. Are these allowed for children (e.g. for young boys)? 2. Are these.. More
What is the sharia ruling concerning hanging an art canvas having some cartoon figures for the kids or for decorating the house?
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Assalaamu ulaykum. I am currently a 3D animation student and recently found out that it is haram to draw anything with a soul in it, what I do in my course is just move the animated characters and give them dialogue and actions, and there is rough sketching as well, but this is the only option I have right now and I already paid my tuition fee. Can.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible to keep educational magazines (about wildlife) written by non-Muslims if they contain images of animals and the names of Prophets in the same magazine? May Allaah reward you.
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I have a non-Muslim tutor. On select days of the week, I have to go to his house to study. My teacher is Hindu. His house has a picture of someone who might be some important figure in Hinduism, I do not know. I do not know if they worship this person. What I wish to know is if it is permissible to go to this teacher if my alternatives are not good?.. More
Is it permissible for an Islamic state to print depictions of the Holy places on its currency notes.
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Is it okay to collect and keep porcelain dolls in my house? They have real looking human features. They are not played with but just displayed on a table. Do they count as statues? Should I sell them or give them to a charity thrift store?
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Asalamu alykumcan i capture photo in pose of reading Quran(holding Quran in hand) and can i make it facebook profile picture?? Is this comes in showoff??jazakAllah khairun
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Assalamu alaikumWhat is the rule on digital photography, some say that digital photography is not similar to normal photography that is here image is stored as electrical signals, also what is the rule on using newspaper which consists of photographs?
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Assalam alaikum WRB. What is ruling on Liking pictures of Kaba or Masjid e nabwi on facebook ? I don't know why people upload Kaba pictures and start liking them,commenting Masha Allah etc. some even ask you to like it. Also want to know if we can hang pictures of kaba at home, especially when picture contains people surrounding or making tawaf around.. More
My mother owns a clock in which there is the Ka'aba and people doing tawaf around it. The Ka'aba is bigger compared to the people doing tawaf. Is she allowed to keep in on the wall?
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salam aleikum , is it allowed to practise east asien matiral arts in a room with pictures of humans and small buddhas and the like? Baraak Allahu Fikum
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As-Salamu Alaykum dear Brothers and Sisters. I am thinking of a career as a web developer but there is an issue, I was planning on learning adobe photoshop but it has a certain tool called the magic want tool, and since magic is unlawful in Islam I decided to find a substitute, another photo editing program named GIMP also has an animated logo and a.. More
Is it impermissible to draw only body structures with body, hair and full dress of ladies as sketches only not the real face or body just in a courses of dress making after which dresses are made according to that sketches? .. More
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