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1453 fatwas

  • Confused about determining end of menses

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am really confused with regards to the end of menses. I know that it is indicated by either complete dryness or the emission of white discharge. I check three times at once to make sure that I am pure and in case the tissue did not enter the private part properly the first time or so. For example, at the time of the Fajr, the first.. More

  • Urine stains on clothes must be washed before praying

    Assalaamu alaykum. I suffer from occasional emission of urine. Sometimes, after passing urine, a few drops of urine come out when I get up. After washing my garment, the water leaves a spot on my pants that others can see (around the private part), which is very embarrassing, especially given that I spend most of my day outside the house. Due to this,.. More

  • Swallowing water while rinsing mouth in ablution or Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask, does swallowing water (or swallowing a little bit by accident) when rinsing the mouth during Ghusl (ritual bath) or ablution mean that you have to repeat the rinsing again? .. More

  • Washing outer part of vagina sufficient in Istinjaa’

    Salaam. You said that any water that comes out of the urethra is impure, even if it is the water which you used to clean yourself. My question is: how can you prevent water from going inside the urethra, as I have to rub he area and exit where urine comes out from. I do not like just pouring, as I do not feel that it cleans without running. I am really.. More

  • Ears are wiped only once in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. In ablution, when rotating the finger in the ears, I know that it should be done only once, but if you do it twice or thrice in one movement, is this ok? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Wet dream without discharge does not require Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykom. Does a wet dream without discharge require performing Ghusl (ritual bath)? I hope that you could answer me directly since I will be anxious if you refer me to previously answered questions. Please have mercy on me, my brother. Thank you. .. More

  • Praying on bus for person suffering incontinence

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding the prayer while travelling. If a person travels in a bus and the person has urinary incontinence or releases a lot of Mathi (pre-seminal fluid) or gets a wet dream, and so he cannot wash his private parts and there is no place on the bus to perform ablution, then how can the person pray? Also, how can we.. More

  • Wiping over leather socks that need to be fastened with a pin

    Assalaamu alaykum. I ordered a pair of Khuff (leather socks for wiping over during ablution), and there is a small problem with them. The problem is that they do not close properly at my ankle. My ankle is partially visible from above when I look down at my Khuff. I could easily stick a few fingers inside the Khuff through the part above my ankle. Is.. More

  • Confusion because of irregular menstrual period

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about menstruation. I have an extremely irregular cycle, and it has recently gotten worse, which has impacted my prayers. Usually, at the start of my period, I get spotting, and then the flow becomes gradually heavier; on average, the period lasts 6 days. Recently, I experienced spotting and naturally stopped praying,.. More

  • Leaving nails unclipped for more than forty days

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs,will I be sinful if I do not cut my nails before the 40th day due to injury? The matter is serious. I have a hot fracture in the thumb of my right hand, and I experience pain even by touching cloth. Holding a nail cutter and cutting the nails of the other hand is impossible for me at this time... More

  • Removing white matter at sides of toenails in Ghusl

    I read that continuity is not necessaryin Ghusl (ritual bath). So when I was performing Ghusl, I thought that I would take that whitish matter (that accumulates at the side of the toenails) out of my nails later on, when I would perform ablution for the prayer. Do I have to repeat my Ghusl because I intentionally delayed removing that from my feet?.. More

  • Ghusl for one who had a vasectomy

    i wanna to ask you about ghusal (ritual bath). You see, I had a vasectomy; I know that this is haram. Whenever I have a wet dream, feel aroused, or masturbate, my semen does not come out. I wanted to ask you whether there is another way to perform Ghusl when you had a vasectomy; or should one just perform a normal Ghusl? .. More

  • Washing the perineum in Istinjaa’

    I am a male, and I have been suffering urethral discharge incontinence for the past 2 years and very mild urine leakage after urination for 10-15 min. I keep tissues in my underwear in order to prevent the spreading of this discharge, but it keeps moving from its place. I always suspect that because of sweating near the private parts, the discharge.. More

  • When to make Ghusl if menses are irregular

    I have a question about Ghusl (ritual shower) after menses. I have read numerous information available on the subject on different websites, and none of them made it clear for me, so I am asking you to guide me in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. My problem is that I used to have periods for 10 days, but then after my kid's birth, they reduced.. More

  • Istinjaa’ is an act of worship in itself

    Is removing impurity after relieving oneself in order to keep body pure from impurities an act of worship, or is it merely a permissibleact? Is wearing pure clothes before the prayer an act of worship, or is it merely a permissibleact? Is facing the Qiblah (prayer direction) before prayer an act of worship? Is placing a mat to pray on a pure place an.. More