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2405 fatwas

  • Wearing Shoes in Prayer: How to Sit Down

    My question is in reference to praying while wearing shoes. The question arised in a study group when it was mentioned that wearing shoes is permissible. The question is, how is a person to sit between the 2 Sajdas or any other time in Salat when you are sitting while wearing shoes? .. More

  • Praying Maghrib with the Imam who Prays ‘Ishaa’

    I used to see some Muslim brothers praying Maghrib prayer with Isha behind the Imam. When the Imam stands up for the fourth Rak'ah they remain seated and perform Salaam and join Imam to start Isha prayer with him then complete after Imam says Salaam. My question is. Is there any evidence for that deed? .. More

  • Prayer Is Not Valid If the Woman Does Not Cover Her Hair

    Is bob hairstyle permissible for women? In this type of hairstyle the hairs will be left untied and will be just above shoulders and below ears. Is the prayer of the woman who prays with untied hair valid? .. More

  • Yes pray with this Imam

    What is ruling on praying behind the Imam of who is not following of Rasoolullah's Sunnah such as, 1. Not tying the hands and leaving the hands and pray, 2. After (Surah Fatihah) Walallallin not saying Aameen, 3. Not raising finger in Thasahhud, 4. When Tasleem saying only one Salaam, 5. Immediately after the prayers start supplicate (Du'a). Can we.. More

  • Sitting of Rest: Sunnah or Obligatory?

    Is Jalsah al-Istiraahah (the sitting of rest) Sunnah act of prayer and should it be done? .. More

  • Direction of the Ka'ba

    There are two groups in North America have differing opinions concerning al-Qiblah. The first says the bearing is Northeast, the second says, it's Southeast. Mohamed Yussuf Afifi Mohammed Metwali Ashaaraoui, Moftia al-Azhar confirms that the bearing to al-Qiblah is Southeast. I will be very thankful to you if you clarify this matter, and give me an.. More

  • Whoever can stand up must not pray Fard sitting

    Are we allowed to pray sitting when sometimes going for picnic in a park so people will not see the sisters praying outside especially when a sister is wearing Niqab and she doesn't want to attracted people's eyes on her and that is why she prays with the Niqab on as well... More

  • It is wrong to combine Asr with Maghrib or Fajr with Zuhr

    Because of urgent work, sometimes I miss Asr and combine it with Maghrib. During journey it is not possible to offer Fajr prayer so I pray it in the time of Zuhr. Sometimes 3 continuous prayers are missed and I pray them in the time of 3rd prayer. But recently I read that Asr Salat cannot be combined with Maghrib and Fajr Salat cannot be combined with.. More

  • Tasbeeh Hadeeth Is Sound

    Ibn Uthaymeen and Ibn Taymiyah (Rahimahullah) opened that the Hadith regarding Tasbeeh prayer is weak and fabricated. Ibn Hajar and al-lbani graded the Hadith as sound. I want to know on what grounds (grounds like chain of transmission, other similar reports from other Sahaba [R.A]) Ibn Hajar and al-Albani graded the Hadith as sound? .. More

  • When did the Prophet perform I'tikaaf?

    It is said that Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) prayed only three Taraweeh prayers in the mosque. From fourth night onwards he prayed at home. If this is so then from where did he pray Taraweeh in the last 10 days of Ramadan, when Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was performing I'tikaaf? .. More

  • Saying Takbeer following the Imam

    During Salat when going from one posture to another like from Qiyam to Ruku to Qiyam to Sujud, do we have to say Takbir "Allahu Akbar" behind the Imam?.. More

  • Working and Staying Away from Family for 5 Days: How to Pray

    I am living in Attock and working in Islamabad which is 90 km away from Attock. I am working for 5 days in continuous and go back to Attock (my home city) for two days. How I can perform Salat if I am working in Islamabad for following two cases: 1) If I have got a house on rent and live 5 days in this house during my 5 day continuous work cycle... More

  • Sleeping before Isha

    In summer, time for Isha prayer is very late at night in our land. The elderly and weak persons cannot wait for so long and fall asleep. Is there any alleviation in Fiqh for such people?.. More

  • One can pray with the same Wudu he initially did for reading Qur'an

    Could you tell me if a person makes ablution (Wudu) intending to read Qur'an and then prayer time comes and he wants to pray Salat can he remain with this ablution or should he renew it intending for this Salat?.. More

  • Salah while on a plane, train or bus

    How I perform Salat during traveling through bus, train or aeroplane from one city to another city at a distance more than 100 km. How I perform Salat during traveling through train or aeroplane as there is difficult to find out proper direction of Qiblah. Also, it is difficult for one to stand for Salat and manage his balance due to continuous to and.. More