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2402 fatwas

  • A Girl and Her Brother Praying in the Same Row Behind an Imaam

    AssalamualaikumIs it accepted to pray salah in congregation alongside younger brother who probably didn't reach puberty yet or should i pray next to him while leaving a gap between our bodies and with prayer mats next to each other? .. More

  • Imam Forgot First Tashahhud and Did Not Perform Sujood As-Sahw

    Assalamu Alaikum,In our mosque, Isha prayers imam forget the 1st Tashahhud, he stood up without reciting and continued to the end. He also did not perform “Sajda Sahu” too. What is the position of that prayer will it be accepted (valid) or not accepted (invalid) ? what we as maumoom have to do ? .. More

  • This Prayer for the Deceased Is an Innovation

    Assalamu alaikum. Someone told me that a dead person will be relieved during his stay in the grave if I do the following the first day he was taken to the grave:Pray two raka’ats, and in each raka’at I recite; Fatiha-1, Ayatul kursiy-1, Suratul Takathur-1, Suratul Ikhlas-11. Please Sheikh is this permissible? .. More

  • A University Student Unable to Offer Friday Prayer

    As Salam alaikum sheikh, I am in a difficult position. Indeed, in my school (university) the timetable prevents me from going to Friday prayer. To add to that, France is a very intolerant country compare to the UK or US, they will never let you leave school for this reason, also if I try to deliberately miss class, after a few absences I will get point.. More

  • Time of Sunnah Prayers after the Obligatory Ones

    Assalamualaikum, I have a question regarding whether after you have prayed the fard prayer, and do supplication and tasbeeh, if you take a long time to do those, especially since it’s dhul hijja, will you get lower reward for the sunna prayers because you did them late, because you were doing supplication and tasbeeh? Jazakallah khair .. More

  • Has Whispers about Pronouncing Al-Faatihah Correctly and about Prayer

    As salam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, i have got a question concerning the invalidation of Salat when two letters are articulated: I have recently learned how to pronounce Al-Fatiha correctly. I strive very hard to pronounce it correctly that i repeat some words until I am sure that I have done so. But this leads to the situation that i get.. More

  • Cotton Balls Fell Off His Keffiyeh When He Was Praying

    As-Salaam! during salat i was wearing a keffiyeh over my shoulders which on the edges have little cotton balls, when i went into ruku’, one of the cotton balls came in front of my left knee while i was clasping it; i noticed this and briefly lifted my hands from my knees to move the cotton ball that is attached to the edge of my keffiyeh out of the.. More

  • After Finishing the Prayer, in which Direction should the Imaam Face Towards?

    Assalaamu 'alay kum, Where does the imam turn after the prayer, toward the people facing them directly or toward his right or left? Or are all three of these three places reported from the sunnah? .. More

  • He Missed Prayers for 22 Years

    Salam ew aalykum ew rahmet allah ew barakatuhu, I want to ask if I owe 22 years of prayers what time of the day do I have to provide them, morning or after each prayer of the 5 prayer times meaning after I finish the “FARED” of each prayer of the day then I start praying my old ones. Can I pray in the MORNING when I have my most energy as many.. More

  • Suffers Great Difficulty in Falling Asleep and Waking Up

    Sheikh, I have a serious issue falling asleep, I had it since childhood. Now, I have started to pray 5 times a day, and sometimes I hold myself awake until fajr time, prays and than go to sleep, but I cant fall asleep and quite often I just lie in my bed and try hard to fall asleep, often after 4-5 hours I fall asleep and than if I wake up again for.. More

  • Led People In Prayer and Thought that He Mispronounced a Letter

    I lead some people in Asr, but in one rakat, the first ‘ha’ of sami Allaahu liman hamidah’ I said as a strong 'ha' instead of light 'ha'. I later did the prostration of forgetfulness by myself. Was this salah valid for me? .. More

  • Praying Behind Imaams Who Pronounce Letters Improperly

    Asalamualikum all of those who are on this website. My question is that I live in an arab country and as so you know arabs are perfect in reading Quran. But still I find many arab imams pronouncing the letters of Surah Fatiha wrong. They pronounce the letter ض as ظ and letter ذ as د. I find extremely few imams who recite totally correct. This thing.. More

  • No Istikhaarah Is Required before Marriage Proposal

    Assalamualaikum, If there is someone we come across in our life we find is suitable, can we do isthikhara to know if we can proceed with a proposal for marriage? Jazak Allah Khair .. More

  • Combining Prayers Due to Ritual Purity Issues

    I want a clear explation about a person with spinal cord injury who is unable to control and feel his bladder and bowel movement and used catheter and diaper and a care giver change his diaper currently the person use teymum to perform udu whenever the time is due for salah each morning and evening a care giver change his diaper. Is it obligatory to.. More

  • Time to Recite Transitional Takbeer During Prayer

    What should I do if I accidentally say or begin to say, during the salaah, the takbeer for movement while I am still in the current position, then either finish it in that position or finish it in the next position? Do I do sujud as sahu before the tasleem? The problem is that I did not say the thikr, or completely say it, in the correct position, that.. More