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652 fatwas

  • What the heart is and how to know if it is good

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I have several questions to ask, Allaah willing. What is consideredthe heart in Islam? Do we have knowledge about our hearts? Is it the thoughts that come in one's head, or is it something that is unseen except by Allaah? For instance, if I willingly think 'I love Allaah and His messenger'  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) .. More

  • Eating food that may contain pork intentionally

    I am a young teenage woman who has made a huge mistake. I am Muslim, but my friends do not know this about me. I ate pepperoni with the knowledge of doing so, and I feel like a bad Muslim, and I am ashamed and do not know what to do. Please help me. .. More

  • Prayer of repentance is not a condition for making repentance

    I want to know if Istighfaar (asking forgiveness) with the intention of repenting (regret, sincerity, and so on) is counted as repentance or if the only way of repenting is praying Salat At-Tawbah(prayer of repentance). This is the fifth time I ask you this question; would it really be that hard to write me a specific fatwa instead of redirecting me.. More

  • Whether days call upon son of Adam to work

    What is the meaning of what Al-Hasan Al-Basri said when he told us that every single day of the week calls out to us?Al-Hasan Al-Basri said regarding the days of the week that they proclaimed, “O son of Adam, I am a new creation and a witness over your deeds. So take benefit from me, for I will not return until the Day of Resurrection.” So does.. More

  • Attaining Firdaws possible for every Muslim

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I was discussing with the imam of our Islamic communtity how a person can get the highest rank in Paradise (Al-Firdaws), and he told me that each person is skilled in different forms of worship; for instance, a person often fasts voluntarily, another person prays a lot at night, another gives a lot of charity, and he told.. More

  • Crying for departing with righteous person

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live abroad. In the country in which I live, a Muslim preacher visits from my own country. I used to go to his lectures with my husband. He was a very good speaker me, and my husband likes his speeches very much. My question is: of the last day of his speeches, he was giving a lecture in the masjid; by the time the speech finished,.. More

  • Repenting from raping child

    Assalaamu alaykum. Seven years ago, a 20-year-old raped a 10-year-old child. He regrets that now and wants to clear himself of this wrong in front of Allaah. What should he do? .. More

  • How person feels about people who wronged him

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I am being wronged by disbelievers. They trouble and torture me. I have a question regarding the feelings and thoughts that I get when I see them being happy and joyful and so on. When I see them being happy, cheerful, joyful, and laughing out loud, it causes me to feel pain inside, for they.. More

  • Worshipping Allah to have prayers answered

    My problem is that I feel that every act of worship that I perform is done for the sake of having my prayer answered. I fast because the supplication of the fasting person will be answered; I pray the supererogatory prayers in order to come nearer to Allaah so that He would accept my supplication. In brief, I feel that all my worship is not purely for.. More

  • Good morals required towards all people

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it okay for a woman to onlyfully respect her husband and not be kind (even to the extent of being arrogant) towards others such as her in-laws, children, siblings, and other people? I am aware that a woman, in order for her to qualify to enter Paradise, must respect her husband wholeheartedly, but if other people find her unpleasing.. More

  • Doing obligatory worship only and dedicating time to worldly advancement

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible for someone to just limit themselves to the obligatory duties of Islam to dedicate most of their time to a wordly, permissible field that they think they will do exceptionally well in? For example, someone wants to be a great mathematician, so they spend almost all their time to be the best at it without neglecting.. More

  • Fear of showing off in reciting Quran

    Asaalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I am on the path of memorising the Quran. Since I started this path, I have been having doubts whether I memorise Quran to impress others with the way that I recite (Tilaawah). I am very afraid of that, so I sometimes change my Tilaawah to another one that does not cause me such thoughts, but I do not like it that much. I.. More

  • Fearing insincerity of intention in doing good deeds

    Asslaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I have read almost all the fatwas regarding the intention, but I still have the same concern. The fact is that I am memorising the Quran, and I recite it in a particular way which I think causes me to think that I recite like this to gain fame, for example. These thoughs are bothering me, and I feel as if they are real. What.. More

  • How to attain Jannatul-Firdaws

    Assalaamu alaykum. 1) In the Quran, it is said like, “I have prepared for My slaves what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart can imagine.” Recite if you wish, “No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.” So is 'recite if u wish' a prescribed supplication for Paradise? If it.. More

  • Pardoning others but continuing to hate them

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding forgiving others who have hurt you: is it enough to forgive the person by saying, 'I forgive you,' while the feelings of hatred are still present in the heart? I have tried forgiving a person who backbit about me; I said, "I forgive him," but not in his presence. I even backbit about him, so if I forgive him.. More