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652 fatwas

  • Doubting faith of one who boasts of his sins

    Should someone who boasts of his sins or does things that are seen by some scholars as Kufr (disbelief) doubt his faith? If the others are right, would he enter Hell forever? Please answer this question, because this would solve all my problems. May Allah, the One Who can punish sins or forgive them and Who is the Only One Who worthy of being worshipped.. More

  • Thinking about women without ejaculation

    I apologize for repeatedly asking questions about the same topic, but I think that you may have misinterpreted my last question. In your answer, you said, “Deliberately thinking about women in order to obtain pleasure by ejaculation is not permissible.” However, when I think about women, I do not ejaculate. So my question is: is deliberatelythinking.. More

  • Disclosing one's disabilities depends on what serves his interests

    Are people with any kind of disabilities/impairments, regardless of their age, obliged by the Shariah to: 1. Inform the Islamic teacher, in a school or as their private tutor, that they have a type of defect? 2. Inform the shaykh in one's masjid that they have a type of defect if they at times meet with him? 3. Inform the shaykh/Mufti/Islamic.. More

  • Story of man who kept voluntary fasting hidden to achieve sincerity

    Bismillaahi Ar-Rahmaani Ar-Raheem (in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate)! I once heard a story from a scholar of a righteous man who fasted for 20 years (on the days of the Sunnah) and did not tell his wife (for the purity of his intentions). Have you heard of something similar as well? If so, can you give me the reference.. More

  • Meaning of ‘forming the intention in the heart’

    What is the meaning of forming the intention in the heart? Is it silently thinking in one's mind before starting that deed that "I will do this deed for the sake of Allah to gain reward"? Example: Before reading Islamic books, should I silently think "I will gain knowledge for the sake of Allah to gain reward"? Is making this type of intention worship.. More

  • Keeping charity secret or disclosing it to encourage others to imitate it

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a waqf, which is to pay the study tuition for a Muslim child, and I am planing to tell my friend to do the same thing. My question is: should I tell my friend what I do, so that he may do the same, or should I keep it secret? Thank you. .. More

  • Disclosing secret to prevent possible harm

    Assalaamu alaykum. My sister asked me yesterday for advice on how to get a loan of 2 million riyals. I was extremely shocked by this request because loans can quickly spiral out of control into massive debt. She told me this in private, and I do not remember exactly, but she probably also told me that I cannot tell the rest of our family. However, I.. More

  • Excessive worry about one's sins and sins of others

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been worrying about the sins of my parents for a very long time. Though they generally are very good and do not engage in anything bad, you know how sometimes, out of anger, we do or say things that we should not do or say, and these things may be very sinful nonetheless. For example: About three years ago, during an argument,.. More

  • How to react to insults to one's family or people

    Assalaamu alaykum. I remember that years ago, a lot of violation happened between two nations, Algerians and Egyptians, and they said very bad things, including all sorts of swearing and other similar stuff. Then today, I saw a post from an Egyptian speaking about the nudity on the beaches of Algeria. My question is: what should I do if I saw someone.. More

  • Whether weeping out of fear of Allah erases sins

    Two different scholars gave two different legal opinions. One said that weeping out of fear of Allaah erases the past sins only, and not the future ones. The other scholar said that it also includes the future ones. My question is: does weeping out of fear of Allaah erase the past and future major and minor sins, or just the past major and minor sins? .. More

  • Unintentional mistakes of Muslims are pardoned

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. What is the ruling on hurting someone unintentionally, like when you bump into them, for example, or when your pockets are full of things, so the person praying beside you gets hurt or feels uneasy. .. More

  • Honor lies in obedience to Allah, not in excelling in worldly pursuits

    Why does it seem like the Christians and disbelievers have all the honor, with their crafty crafts, such as music and so on and the Muslims do not have better nasheeds (prior to Islam, I used to listen to music) in the sense that they have better rhyme patterns and melodies and so on and it just seems like the disbeliever have more honor in some aspects?.. More

  • Son lying to parents about way he used their money

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have serious life problems that need to be solved. I have been doing business by lying to my parents. I used my parents' money for college tuition to start a software business. So I did not use it for education. Instead, I used it to fund my software development costs. I have asked permission from my mother to use her money to do.. More

  • Repenting from helping person consult soothsayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I planned to consult a soothsayer with the help of my friend for some reasons, but after telling my friend, I cancelled my plan and do not want to do it anymore because I am afraid of the punishment of Allah. She said, "Yes," but she still went on with it without my knowledge. She just told me after she had done it. Will I be punished.. More

  • Disclosing secret for guaranteed benefit

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I am a 21-year-old girl. My mother is Christian, and my father is Muslim. I converted to Islam when I was 16, but my sister, who is 23 years old, is atheist. My sister had a hidden relationship with a 31-year-old married man who has 2 children and whose wife is pregnant. When she asked me what she should.. More