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652 fatwas

  • Reasons to Attain the Love of Allah

    Will I go to Hell if I don't love Allah but only do my muslim duty (pray & fast) out of fear of Him? I hate that I was creates so I find it hard to love/be grateful to Him, but I also do not want to go to Hell. .. More

  • Sitting Near a Room Where Evil Is Committed

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهIf an evil is being done in a room and the people are not willing to listen to my advice. If I sit in another room next to that sinful room, is the any sin on me?? .. More

  • Adhering to the Sunnah at Difficult Times

    Assalamu aleykum! I have a question regarding the adherence to the blessed Sunnah and current sociopolitical issues. Because of the vile and abominable actions of certain groups and people who falsely claim to represent Islam, who have outwardly all the marks and characteristics of the Sunnah (such as the beard, clothing etc), these visible Sunnahs.. More

  • Whether evil thoughts are from self or devil

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Shaykhs,is there a way to know if an evil thought that came to one's mind is from the evil of one's own self or from the devil? And whenever an evil thought comes to mind, must we attribute it to the devil and seek refuge with Allah, the Exalted, or must we do this and also attribute it to our own evil.. More

  • Testifying that one fulfils all religious obligations on website

    There is a marriage website. I think they require me to tick boxes during registration; it says: - I testify that I worship Allah and none along with Him. - I testify that I offer my obligatory prayer and strive to fulfil all the religious obligations which are compulsory upon me. - I understand that this website is only for those Muslims who.. More

  • Consequences of sin do not invalidate repentance from it

    If I see a person posting a video of a song, and after this I immediately close this video, but I heard this song because of him, so have I thus shown pleasure for his sin and do I carry his sins? Or if I sin and repent but, for example, I talked with a girl in private and she told me something and after this I repent, but because she gave me knowledge.. More

  • Repentance after writing book against Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear shaykh, I wrote a book against Islam which more than 50 people have read. Today, I regret it. My teeth have moved. I have lost my laughter and ability to cry, and I have also lost my singing voice as well as my ability to sleep. My breathing through my nose has become difficult as well as my ability.. More

  • Meaning of affliction in religion

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, respected Shaykhs. What does affliction in the religion mean? I am afflicted with magic and possession by the jinn, and I face a lot of difficulties in worshipping Allah, the Exalted, properly. Is this affliction in my religion? May Allah reward you, Shaykhs. .. More

  • Forgiving vs. retaliating against wrongdoer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, my question is with regards to revenge/forgiveness. If I was wronged, verbally or physically, in any way and choose to forgive the person and ask Allah, the Exalted, to simply restore my rights to me and (and not ask Allah, the Exalted, to take revenge on my abuser due to my inability to), if.. More

  • All afflictions predetermined by Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sheikh, my family face a lot of problems in this world. Allah has given ten children to my parents; six daughters and four sons. My parents love all of them and treat them nicely. We even pray to Allah and ask only Him. Five of them sisters got married, and three of them have become disabled (they have not been able to walk normally.. More

  • Whether it is better to pardon or punish wrongdoer

    If one forgives someone after being wronged, and then one day later he says, "No, I am not going to forgive him," meaning that he changes his mind, is this valid? Or is the person who wronged him forgiven and is changing his mind not valid? If one behaves in a bad manner or harshly or rudely, meaning that he performs actions which are disliked, and.. More

  • Humility to Muslims in its proper context is recommended

    Assalaamu alaykum. Recently, I have been struggling in my religion because I have heard a brother in a masjid say that to humiliate yourself to others you completely love is major Shikr (polytheism). I have struggled with this because I have not found any scholar talk about this and I also think tha tit would be minor Shirk at most. I also have seen.. More

  • Giving the wrong advice

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am resending my question and hope that it is clear now. If a learned person gave some advice for someone’s circumstance, but their advice was disapproved in certain scenarios, and then the learned person comes to know what occurred and realizes that the scenarios may be saying what is the accurate answer for the individual whom.. More

  • Intending to sin then repent afterwards

    I would like to ask a question about the verse: {And We will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refused to believe in it the first time. And We will leave them in their transgression, wandering blindly.} [Quran 6:110] Does this mean that those who intend to do a sin (fornication, for example) and to repent afterwards will not be allowed.. More

  • Delaying repentance is sin that requires repentance

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read many fatwas that state that delaying repentanceis a sin necessitating repentancein and of itself. However, only statements of scholars were brought forth in this regard, without any proof from the Quran or Sunnah. Could you please bring the proof(s) which proves that delaying repentance is a sin? May Allah bless you. .. More