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I would like to know if there is a Dua' for wanting "something". The "something" is a place from me to rent where I can live. Could you also write it in Arabic, (so I can say the Dua') and also give a meaning of the Dua' in English... More
I write today with hope to you to find an answer to a question whichworries me for a long time: I am reached stammering since my youthand this handicap causes me hardship (I only speak veryseldom by fear of the mocking remarks, the prospect to find work withthis illness discourages me). To this end, is there a remedy in Islamwhich will enable me.. More
Is it true that I can do my du'a [Ziker Allah] during my menstural period?
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Can we give Sadaqa (charity) with the intention of having our prayer answered? Hope you will answer this question... More
What do you do if you want your Du'a to be accepted?
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Is it the Sunnah to proclaim loudly the Takbeer and other supplications after the Tasleem in a congregation Salaah? Give evidence please... More
I am a new Muslim and have received contradictory advice concerning Prayer.a) What is the proper order after Prayer? Astaghfirullah - Anta as-Salaal - then Tasbih followed by La Sharika, or the other way around? b) Does one recite these verses immediately after the Fard prayer, or can it be postponed until after the Sunnah? I was recently.. More
Can I say: "O Allah send our greetings to our Prophet and bless him" whenever I forget something... More
I understand that there is certain things I could say after each prayer which gives me a good reward. For ex., I could say La Ilaha Illa Allah Wahdaho La Sharika Laho and so on for 10 times after Fajr and Maghrib and I have to keep my foot set the way they do during the prayer (i.e., not change the position of my feet after the prayer in order to receive.. More
I am a student and want to marry one of my classmates. I have prayed to Allah to guide me and fill her heart with a feeling of love for Allah and His Prophet as well as the love of Sunnah. Also I prayed to Allah to make her extend a proposal. I have also prayed to Allah that once married we'll do right and try to make our children true Muslims. Insha.. More
Saying Bismillah in the bathroom or say Al hamdulillah or Insha Allah and Dhikr of this sort for instance while removing your clothes or someone talks to you about something and you say Insha Allah?.. More
After 2 years of marriage I can not conceive. I asked about it from Sahir broker, he told me that my in-laws have closed my uterus. Please tell me Du'a so that I get pregnant I am very worried about this. I pray and make Du'a to God for 2 years, but I feel that my Du'a does not go to Allah. What can I do, my life is becoming Jahannam. Please pray for.. More
What should we say after prayers?
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My daughter got married when she was nineteen and after her marriage she became sick. She had depression and stopped praying. She has lost her concentration. This marriage lasted for three years and now she is divorced. I always wonder what happened to her. I pray all the time for her and my family is worried. I want to know what happened. Is it possible.. More
After a Qur'an recitation class or lesson is it Sunnah for all the people present in the class to raise their hands and make Du'a asking Allah (S.W.T) for general things of this life and Akhira after a gathering? Can the person who is giving the lecture say this Du'a Subhanka Allah humma wa bihamdika nashhadu an la ilaha illa anta wa nastagfiruka wa.. More
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