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Sheikh if a person earns unlawful money Allah does not answer his dua does that include quranic supplications and salawat dua and i would like to ask that saying astighfirullah aladhi la ilaha ila huwa al hayyul qayumu waatubu ileyhi while in sajda allowed kindly clarify
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When a non-Muslim friend wishes me on my birthday, while thanking her, is it okay to say "Have me in your prayers too"?Or even when I'm sick, and my non-Muslim friend wishes me good health, is it okay to ask them also to have me in their prayers? I do understand that asking Duaa by myself is one of the greatest things, but is it okay to tell my friends.. More
Assalamualaikum,I want to ask regarding the ruling of a person who makes dua; and then at some times he doubts that his dua will be accepted. Does that doubt make the dua not accepted? It always happens to me and I feel like I need to make dua again after doubts. And sometimes I feel that I didn't exactly doubt the acceptance of dua and then I feel.. More
Are there any things one can do which would prevent Allah from accepting their duas?
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Assalamu aleykum. I made a du'a against someone few times. I was in a bad state of mind. After some time I prayed for Allah not to accept that du'a and I did taubah. I started having fear that maybe the harm will fall on me and not on that person. I don't want to suffer and I don't want that person to suffer. I also asked Allah to turn my dua's against.. More
Is it permissible to send peace or blessings upon al-Mahdi? My Quran teacher did something among those lines during our congregational dua' and on another occasion she wanted us to recite the fatiha for a deceased person, which i forgot was not from the sunna at that moment, am i sinful? Also should i continue studying with her? Since she did help me.. More
Assalamualaykum Is it true that if I read the dua that was perscribed by our Prophet (pbuh) every morning 3 times and during Maghreb prayer 3 times the dua which is :Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika ‘an ‘ushrika bika wa ‘anaa ‘a’lamu, wa ‘astaghfiruka limaa laa ‘a’lamu. Will I be protected from absolutely ANY Kufr whether it is.. More
Assalamu alaikum.I am asking Allah for something great (its within the scope of religion and permissible). And I have hope that He will grant me it.But I saw a vision at least 2 years before asking Allah for this thing in which I was granted by Allah that which I sought. I saw this dream at a time when I did not even think I will ask Allah for it, nor.. More
If we hear someone say salawat by mentioning Prophet Muhammed (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم), is it obligatory to send salawat as we heard his name in their salawat. I’m sorry if the question is confusing.
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Sheikh can a person who does major sins and oppression have hope of Allah answering his dua kindly clarify
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Assalamu Alaykum.There are numerous hadith which speaks about the virtues of reciting 100 tasbih,or 100 tahleel or 100 tahmeed...etc
So my question is,in reciting those adhkar,must we repeat continuously without any lengthy pause or brief speech in-between or we can say a specific number at a time then resume later?and is this the ruling with surah.. More
Salaam alaikom My family are having financial crises in our house and I wanted to know according to the Quran which surahs according to authentic hadiths can increase wealth within our life and make us rich . I also read tahjudd but there are people who make fake hadiths up about which surah does what but I cannot trust anyone is there a chance you.. More
Salam Aleikum!
We pray fard and after immidiately we stand up moving aside praying sunnah. At the end someone say dhikr and we follow what he say "subhanallah" and we say 33 times as it same goes on elhamdulailah, Allah akbar" and imam raise hands making dua, and everyone doing the same and at the end Surah El-Fatiha! They say that is the correct.. More
Assallammu Allaikum, I want to know whether it is permissible to conduct a supplication (dua) ceremony in the masjid to a elected member of parliament who is from our area. Which is totally political motivated and there are people against it, and the masjid administration is also divided on the matter. Please give a ruling.
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If someone is not good person and always try to harm us, can we make dua for his death. Is it permissible...? like dua in the below hadith.
"Hisham b. Urwa reported on the authority of his father (Allah be pleased with him) that Arwa bint Uwais disputed with Sa'id b. Zaid that he had seized some of the land belonging to her. She brought.. More
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