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Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!It's recorded in the Hadith that whenever the Holy Prophet Muhammad's name is being mentioned, one should send salutations to him.Can the congregation say 'Sallallahu alayhim wa salaam' when Surat Muhammad is being read and the ayat mentioning Muhammad is pronounced by the Imam during the course of praying.. More
If we hear someone say salawat by mentioning Prophet Muhammed (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم), is it obligatory to send salawat as we heard his name in their salawat. I’m sorry if the question is confusing.
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As salaamu alaikum
Please is it permissible for the Mu'athin or any other person among the ma'mum to say 'sallu alan Nabiyi Kareem' and the rest will say 'salla Allahu alaihi wa sallim' immediately after tasleem?
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We must do shalawat when rasulullah is mentioned or referred by other people, but how if it is us/myself who mention or refer it, do i have to do shalawat every time i mention/refer him?.
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakathahu, is it part of the authentic Morning/Evening Adhkar to send 10 Salams on the Prophet (peace be upon him)? I read this in Hisnul Muslim...and usually tell my children to get 100 blessings upon themselves by sending 10 salams in the morning and evening on Prophet (peace be upon him).Or is this inauthentic?
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I heard that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,recommended using the following formula to get your wishes realized:
1) Recite Salawaat (invoke the blessings of Allah on the Prophet)11 times.
2) Recite "Hasbiyallahu laa Ilaaha illa Huwa alayhi..." 7 times.
3) Recite Salawaat 11 times.
4) State your wish and Allah will grant it.
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Assalaamu alaykum dear Scholars. In Fatwa No : 163193, you stated that there is a difference of opinion among the scholars about the ruling on using “‘alayhi as-salaam” for other than the Prophets. My question in regards to this is the following: could you mention some of the differences of opinion regarding this matter among the scholars, and.. More
In South Africa, a hadith is quoted that says that if a person recites the durood Allaahumma sallee 'ala Muhammadin Nabee al-'ummiy waslamon a Friday after the 'Asr prayer 80 times, then so many years of their sins will be forgiven. Is this hadith authentic?
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salam.dear sheikh what is the meaning of hadith in which a companion decided to allocate all his prayer as salawaat on the prohet peace be upon him .. More
Assalamu alaikum, Thank you for the previous answers. Does the salutation in the mention of the name of our holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam need to be given in the following situations: 1. During Salah (like during the Durood after the Tahiyat) 2. During Adhan and Iqamah 3. During any Durood 4. When using pronouns (like saying "he.. More
Is it permissible to say Sallallaahu ‘Ala Sayyidina Muhammad (May Allaah Confer His peace and Blessings upon our master Muhammad)? .. More
Assalaamualaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh. Is there a hadith which states specifically that one should say the exact statement “sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam” after mentioning the name of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. (What is the origin of this statement) Please provide me with the true meaning (translation) of this statement... More
can we use the word sayyidina in durood for Prophet Muhhamed (P.B.U.h)
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A Christian asked me how Muslims reject the concept that 'Eesa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention, is the son of Allaah The Almighty while they say, "May the prayers of Allaah be upon Muhammad". How can it be that the Creator prays for His created being? How can we refute this claim?.. More
Assalam u alaikum. My question is regarding Hazrat Ali (RzA). Many Sunni people use "Alaihi salaam" to Hazrat Ali ,Hazrat hussain etc.So is it permissible?How can we refute them... They put their argument as "Alaihi salaam" is used for hazrat maryam , although also she was not a prophet.similarly for Hazrat Khizr and Imaam Mehdi. plz provide me.. More
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