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I live in a Western country. Sometimes, I travel a distance that equals not less than eight or ten hours. Due to the severely cold climate, I pray sitting inside the car, since warm places are either bars or toilets. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on my prayer?
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I performed the ‘Asr prayer but, while I was in the third Rak‘ah, I remembered that my clothes were impure. What is the ruling regarding my prayer?
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My mother is an old woman whose right leg was amputated up to the knees and her left foot was amputated as well. She also suffers from (excessive) obesity so she cannot move easily and, therefore, cannot direct herself towards the Qiblah during the prayers except with great difficulty. Is it permissible for her to perform the prayer without directing.. More
What are the times of prayer for a woman who does not pray at the mosque? Is it obligatory upon a woman to pray at the time of the Iqaamah (second call to prayer) or does every prayer have its special time? .. More
When one travels by plane for 8 hours, according to which time should he pray the Fajr (dawn) prayer: the time of the country of departure or arrival?
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QuestionWe have two Masjids. While the first directly faces the Qiblah (i.e. the direction of the Ka‘bah in Makkah), the second diverges 44.5° to the north but its Imaam is more righteous than that of the first. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on performing prayer in the second Masjid? What is the degree of divergence from the direction of the Qiblah.. More
Is it obligatory to repeat the prayer if I was praying it while the Athaan was being called?.. More
Is it permissible for one who drinks alcohol to pray if he is mindful of what he is saying so that he may not miss the obligation of prayer, acting on the Saying of Allaah The Almighty [Quran 4: 43]? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you. .. More
I work in a restaurant in the U.K. and I work for two days a week, non-stop (i.e. without any breaks) and thus, I cannot pray ‘Asr at its due time (on these days). I cannot perform prayers during working hours in this non-Muslim country, so I pray ‘Asr one hour before its due time. Is it permissible for me to do so? Advise me in this regard. May.. More
I am a Muslim residing in Europe and my colleague brings his dog to work. We work in shifts and each of us works alone. I was praying somewhere and then noticed that the dog was sleeping in that place every time I came to work, so I started to pray somewhere else. However, I came to know that the dog would move around and lie down wherever it wanted,.. More
If someone has a tattoo on his hand, is his prayer accepted, given that he wants to remove it but this requires surgery in his country of residence, and he cannot afford the procedure for its removal using lasers found in neighboring countries due to the high cost? Thank you. .. More
Having performed prayer, I found out there were some remains of nail polish on my nails or I discovered that my neck was uncovered due to a hole in the veil I was wearing during the prayer. Am I required to make up for this prayer?
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During the time of my wife’s menstrual period, seminal fluid makes contact with her when I have my orgasm. Must she purify the traces of this fluid or is there no need because she is ritually impure?
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One of my relatives says that the ‘Awrah begins from the navel until the middle of the thigh, using as evidence the Hadeeth meaning that one day the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was sitting with his thigh uncovered when Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, may Allaah Be Pleased with them, entered upon him and he did not cover his thigh but that he covered.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling when a woman dyes her hair with something other than black? Knowing that this dye includes some alcoholic substances, is the prayer valid in this case? .. More
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