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When someone travels by air and has to be present at the airport two hours before departure, is he permitted to combine two prayers before going to the airport? The time of departure is 7:00 pm, Maghrib is at 5:00 pm, ‘Ishaa’ is at 7:30 pm and he arrives at his destination three hours before Fajr. .. More
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuh. Dear brother, should pregnant women perform the prayers? .. More
When I am travelling, I combine and shorten the prayer, so what should I do if the time for Maghrib prayer started whereas I had not yet offered the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers? Do I have to offer four Rak‘ahs or two?
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A traveler performed the ‘Ishaa’ prayer but stood for the third Rak‘ah and completed all four Rak‘ahs. Must he make a prostration afterwards?
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How can firefighters and rescue workers perform prayers during their work hours? .. More
Is it disliked under Sharee‘ah to combine the Jumu‘ah and ‘Asr prayers due to rain? Do the Saudi scholars prohibit this action? .. More
Would you please clarify how to pray while traveling in terms of shortening and combining prayers? I will visit a relative of mine in an Arab country and will stay there for about a week. Taking into consideration that we have a house in this country, does this mean that the rulings of prayer while traveling are not applicable to me?
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I am a diving hobbyist and I spend long periods of time doing this. The times of prayer come during these times and it is difficult for me to pray them due to the remoteness of the coast. My question is: Is it permissible to pray in the water, knowing that my feet do not reach any ground? Please guide us and thank you... More
Is it permissible for Muslims in Palestine upon whom a siege is imposed and to whom shells are fired to combine two prayers, especially Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ in the mosque and Thuhr and ‘Asr during the curfew, knowing that sometimes some civilians can go to the mosque, especially in the villages? However, it is difficult to do so in darkness. We.. More
If I was traveling and missed the Thuhr, ‘Asr, and Maghrib prayers, how should I make up for them? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you. .. More
I am a twenty-nine year old woman and I am suffering from a psychological illness that obliges me to use sleeping pills. Many times, I cannot wake up to pray the Fajr prayer in its time due to the effect of the medication. What is the ruling on this? Will I be punished for this? .. More
Im im a drug rehab program and during group im not allowed to pray. They dont want any disturbance even youre not allowed to use the rest room. If I insist on praying during group hours I can go back to jail. Ive been there many times and my mother wont be to happy. What should I do .. More
I am a young man who works on a ship. I start my work after the ‘Asr prayer and work until Fajr. I find no time to pray either Maghrib or ‘Ishaa’ so what should I do in this case? Please respond because we do not know what to do... More
Assalaaamu alikum, If a pregnant woman has signs that make her concerned she might have a miscarriage, and she is on bed rest or reducing activity, is it permissible to pray sitting because of that, even if she is capable of standing but worries that the movement might bring on the miscarriage? Jazak Allah khair
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My father is old and he cannot pray except while sitting on a chair. However, he often prostrates once. When we try to remind him or tell him that he forgot one prostration, he does not believe us, knowing that he is old and his memory has become poor but he is, praise be to Allaah, from among those who are keen on prayer. Please advise. May Allaah.. More
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