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A long time ago, I used to combine prayers together; I did this out of ignorance. My question is: were those prayers valid? And if not, then what should I do now? I used to shorten the prayers as well. Someone had told me that it was permissible to combine prayers if someone could not pray on time, so I assumed, as he did not mention anything about.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Coming March 31th (a Friday), I have an exam that will take place during the afternoon. So I was thinking of combining the Friday prayer and the ‘Asr. I have seen on your website that you have stated that that is permissible for a traveler. I will not be traveling from one city to another, but the exam center is in a place of the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Where does one place their hands while bowing when praying while sitting? Is it the same as while standing; one one's knees? Or should they be placed on the thighs? And where should the hands be placed while prostrating if one is praying on a chair and has difficulty prostrating on the ground? On their.. More
Should I shorten and combine the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers on the day of ‘Arafat while performing the prayers in my tent, not in Namira Mosque? What about the Sunnah prayers; should l perform them during the stay of Hajj?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. We read that Sayid Sabiq wrote in Fiqh As-Sunnah:
"The conflict between miles and Farsakh is made clear in Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri's statement: 'If the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,traveled a distance of one Farsakh, he would shorten his prayer.' This was related by Sa'id ibn Mansur in his Sunan and by Al-Hafiz.. More
Residents of Makkah, when doing Hajj Ifraad, have to shorten the Thuhr, 'Asr, and Isha prayers, but they cannot combine the prayers during their stay in Mina; am I correct?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I work as a security guard in America in a construction area. The problem is that when the time for prayer comes, I do not find any place to prostrate as it is all filled with rocks and gravel and mudd. So is this a good reason to pray on a chair while still performing the other pillars of the prayer that I am able to do,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I once combined theThuhrand ‘Asras my mother was sick and had fever and said that she wanted to go the hospital, so as per my knowledge and understanding, I combined the Thuhrand ‘Asr at the time for the Thuhrand then went to the hospital with her. I combined these prayers because I need.. More
Can someone who suffers from Leukocoria pray?
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Is it permissible for my wife, who is undergoing an in vitro fertilization, to perform dry ablution and perform the prayer while sitting down or lying on the bed during the two weeks after the operation so as to guarantee its success?
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Assalamu Alaikum If a traveller is in makkah at time of begining of magribs time but he intends to join it with isha. But he reaches the district of jeddah which is his home before the time of magrib ends. My question is 1. Can he join with isha his magrib prayer? Does that intention of joining before reaching his home counts? 2. Is the traveller concession.. More
Asalaaamu `Alaikum, My father has been completely away from the deen for many years, maybe 30-40 years he has not made a single salah. Now by the mercy of Allah, he has all of the sudden started trying to go to Jumu'ah and he is trying to go to masjid on a daily basis for other salahs. He is very elderly and it is very hard for him to make wudu. He.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. If a few travelers on an airport or a train station gathers to pray their prayer in congregation, and as soon they started the prayer, they realize that they are going to miss their train or flight, in that case, is it allowed for the travelers to leave their prayer and catch their train or flight? Can they pray it aboard or when they.. More
salamoe aleikum shayki, i combined prayer due to 3udr, first i prayed maghreb with niyyah of combining it in time of isha after adhan of ishaa prayer and direct after that i prayed ishaa with a group (i lead the prayer) while during the ishaa prayer i got the thought whether i started the ishaa prayer with the niyyah of combining or just of praying.. More
Greetings. How to offer prayer in position of ‘lying down’ as mentioned in Quran in 3.191. Reply me as soon as possible. Its urgent! .. More
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