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I am a student studying abroad in another country. I pray all the prayers in their right time. If I go back to my home for a holiday for a few days, can I pray the prayers Friday and shortening the prayer?.. More
I came to UK to study about four years ago. I hope next year I will finish it. Apart from that I married. Now I have been with my husband for nearly three years. My husband like me is from East Africa. He came here before me.
I have a doubt in praying. I heard that since I have an intention of returning home with my husband, I can pray Salat.. More
I wanted to ask about the issue of combining prayers for purposes of travel and such. During my travel, I had the intention of delaying the Maghrib prayer until the Isha time. I did not get around to praying Isha until I actually returned home, so I prayed both prayers together anyway, but without shortening them. Please inform me if that.. More
This is a question about "Salat ul Qasr" which is offered during travel. The ancestral city of my sister is Multan. The ancestral city of her husband is Hyderabad. Her husband also has a house in Karachi. But they both live in Hong Kong. When they return to Pakistan for a limited stay, their first stop is Karachi. My brother in-law asks my sister.. More
I am appearing for exams during 1st weeks of December and the timing is 14:00 to 17:00 and the Asr prayer falls within this time. Is it allowed to perform Asr with Zuhr as Jama'a (combining the two prayers)?.. More
Because of urgent work, sometimes I miss Asr and combine it with Maghrib. During journey it is not possible to offer Fajr prayer so I pray it in the time of Zuhr. Sometimes 3 continuous prayers are missed and I pray them in the time of 3rd prayer. But recently I read that Asr Salat cannot be combined with Maghrib and Fajr Salat cannot be combined with.. More
I am living in Attock and working in Islamabad which is 90 km away from Attock. I am working for 5 days in continuous and go back to Attock (my home city) for two days. How I can perform Salat if I am working in Islamabad for following two cases:
1) If I have got a house on rent and live 5 days in this house during my 5 day continuous work cycle... More
How can a woman perform Salat while traveling? Also, how can I offer prayer if I am visiting my relative or my parents house after marriage for a stay of 8-10 days? My relatives or parents house is 400 km far from my husband's home city... More
I am working in a company with a group of 100 employees. This company is about 100 Km away from where we live, and we travel daily to the company. When the afternoon prayer comes, do we shorten the prayer or not? If shortened, do we have to count for that during the dawn prayer?
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I live in Glasgow UK for one year as an illegal immigrant. Can I shorten the prayers?.. More
I usually pray al dhor and al asr, and sometimes al maghreb and al isha, in the office. However while I try to maintain al wodou' to last for at least al asr prayer often time I must repeat it. I refreain from going to the bathroom to have my wodou' last, but this is sometimes impossible to maintain. The problem is in the condotion of bathrooms in my.. More
I want to ask about salat for someone who is sick.A Muslim brother said that you cann't use a chair to sit down you must sit down on the floor. but i can do my salat standing. My problem is I can't make djoulouss because I have problem on my feet. Please tell me even I can sit down on the floor, can I use the chair to pray?.. More
Some Muslims perform their regular daily prayers as well as the Sunnah prayers while they are sitting. However, they are able to stand and walk with no problems. Is their prayer valid?
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I study in the US and have been in it for one or two years and then will go back to my own country. Should I pray four or two Raka'h for Asr? My friend told me that I should pray two only because I am considered as a traveler... More
I missed my Isha because that time I was traveling, but around 11:30 pm I reached my house. Do I have to pray 2 Raka'h or 4?
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