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May Allaah The Almighty preserve you. My question is about combining the prayer of Al-Maghrib and Al-‘Ishaa’ or Ath-Thuhr and Al-‘Asr. Is it a condition that they are not separated or one may separate them with a short period of time? Is there proof that the two prayers should be performed directly after each other?.. More
Is it permissible to combine Friday and ‘Asr prayers when travelling? If this is not permissible, how can they be combined?.. More
Salaam.i have a medical condition which prevents me reading prayers most days, on some days i may feel better by the time magrib is due so half an hour before magrib time i will do intention for 4 rakka farz for zuhr recite athayaath darood and do salaam then i stand up and reapeat the same for 4 rakka asr then by this time magrib is due and i will.. More
salam, about salat,went you are at the journey on friday and it happens you got friday prayers,can you also pray asar at the same time.. More
Assalaam 'Alaykum! Here in UK, we normally combine the maghrib & isha in the masjid during Summer due to late disappearance of red twilight, i.e. the time of Isha is too close to Fajr. Well, I would like to know if we pray the Magrib & Isha one after the other with an Iqamah separating between them nothing else, the How would I be able to.. More
As-salamualaikum. One male can't fold his right knee ( Right hip & Knee joints fractured in accident). He desires to join Jumma prayer. How he can join? If, sitting on a chair, where to place the chair. What would be the flashing of the chair with the line of Jamat?.. More
After I prayed a friday jumuah prayer then suddenly I have to travel to one place in which I can not cath up the mid-afternoon or ashr prayer when I reached the place where to go. My question is that, is it allowed for me to pray ashr prayer but not yet in prescribed time before I go to travel.
Another question is that sometimes when I am travalling.. More
Assalamu Alikum I am living in north of the UK, and prayer times change dramatically between summer and winter. At the moment Isha is approximated at 11.30pm and fajr is around 3.30am. The imam of our mosque said that at this time of the year the sign for Isha does not appear (disappearing asshafaq al-ahmar) but it joins with fajr. So now currently.. More
Sir, I am a born diabatic and ever since then whenever my sugar level goes down it does not help me in offering my prayers on time and whenever I feel normal I offer the Qaza for that prayer with the next coming one. this particulary happens in Fjar. Mornings are very tough when the time goes short for offering the prayer on time.So kindly advice me.. More
Inshallah I'm about to go onto a school camp for 3 days which is about 51.5km away from my house.
And unfortunately it won't be possible to pray prayers at time. My question is can I shorten my prayer when I'm doing qadah just before bed time or would I have to pray the full length of it?
p.s I'm in a non muslim country.
wassalam.. More
It sometimes happens that I'm stuck in traffic at the time of maghrib, which means I can find no way to pray on time. This frustrates me. Alhamdulillah this does not happen often since I always try to finish my work before this time so that I will be at home when the call for prayer is called. However, what should I do when I am.. More
Once while it was snowing, I made salaatu-z-zuhr in jamaa'ah, but the jamaa'ah did not combine salaatul 'asr with it. So, I made salaatul 'asr myself right after salaatu-z-zuhr since I had some business to carry out afterwards that I thought would make the performance of salaatul 'asr at its right time difficult. What do you say about this?.. More
assalam wa allykum we went from jeddah to madinah al munawwarah for 2 days,in masjid al quba i got last 2 rakahs of asr prayer in jammah,and i did not continue the other 2 rakahs after imam finished the prayer.i do not remember what niyah i made before starting the prayer.but most probabily 4 i have to repeat the prayer? on journey.. More
As Salam alykum, brother i have a question regarding shortening salat during journey i visit my friend who stays in another city abt 120 - 130 KM. as per sunnah i must shorten my obligatory prayers as long as i stay (intention of stay is not more than 2 - 3 days) so whether i must perform my salats in the mosque with imam or pray at my friend's home,.. More
assalam alaikum my wife is now 2 month pregnant and get some stomac pain when she prays, especialy in sejde and find it difficult to do her prayer. is there an other way she can perform her prayer? thanks.. More
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