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Is it permissible for boys and girls aged between four and nine years to wear trousers while performing ‘Umrah? .. More
Is it permissible for someone performing Hajj to wrap himself with covers when it is very cold at night? .. More
A woman went to perform ‘Umrah and wore the Niqaab while performing it. Is she required to do anything noting that she is in another city now? .. More
My wife forgot to shorten her hair after having performed ‘Umrah and we had sexual intercourse. Afterwards, she remembered that she did not shorten her hair. What is the ruling? .. More
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife after performing Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah and before throwing the pebbles. .. More
During Hajj of the year before last, I shaved the head of my father before I ended my state of Ihraam. Am I required to do anything? .. More
I performed the rituals of ‘Umrah and, upon ending my state of Ihraam, I clipped my nails but did not shorten my hair. This happened in my first and second ‘Umrahs but, in the third, I shortened my hair upon ending my state of Ihraam. What is the ruling on my previous two ‘Umrahs? .. More
What is the manner of Talbiyah that a pilgrim has to say so that in case he is prevented from completing the rituals, he ends his Ihraam without responsibility to offer a sacrificial animal? If one is prevented and he ended the state of Ihraam, is he required to make up for Hajj? Is there a certain wording of Talbiyah for each of the three types of.. More
I assumed Ihraam from the Meeqaat. Later, my friend spilled juice on my Ihraam clothes. Does this invalidate my Ihraam? Am I required to expiate for this? .. More
I wear the Niqaab, and all praise is due to Allaah for this. I want to perform ‘Umrah. I know that there is a difference in opinion among scholars regarding women covering their face in the state of Ihraam. Indeed, you know that there are overcrowding and non-Mahram men. I want that Allaah Covers me and Reveals nothing of my body. What is the sound.. More
I am in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and my wife will come from my country. Is it permissible for me to have sexual intercourse with her before going to ‘Umrah and visiting Al-Madeenah Al-Munawwarah, noting that I have not seen her for six months? .. More
My wife and I performed ‘Umrah. While she was in the state of Ihraam, she covered her face with the Niqaab forgetting that this is forbidden. She remembered the ruling while she was in Tawaaf but we could not change it, so we completed the rituals of ‘Umrah. Is she required to do anything, knowing that the Niqaab had an upper piece of cloth to shade.. More
What is the meaning of the Hadeeth which says that it is forbidden to wear a dress dyed with saffron? What is meant by “dyed with saffron”?
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What are the deeds that would invalidate Hajj? Do disobedience and dispute invalidate Hajj? Would Hajj be counted for man just as he performed it, despite the mistakes and disputes that he committed therein?
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My wife and I performed ‘Umrah two years ago and my wife did not shorten her hair as she did not know that ending the state of Ihraam is achieved only by shortening the hair. What is the ruling on this? How can she end the state of Ihraam now, bearing in mind that she cut her hair many times after performing ‘Umrah. I did not know about this except.. More
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