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Question: Assalam alikum I want to write a ebook and to publish on Amazon
Kindle. when somebody buy my book I get paid. Firstly the owners of Amazon
are non Muslim so can I sell my book on Amazon Kindle. Secondly when a buyer
buy my book i get paid. What if the buyer money is haram and mostly buyers
are non-muslim and their money is involved with.. More
Salaam Alakium,
I have a question about selling video games which contain some Shirk, Years ago i purchased games which i didn't know contained Shirk - or i never really understood the seriousness of it in Islam, now that i am full on focused on my deen and i am very careful on how i practice my religion i no longer play video games, but i have some.. More
In my country debts can be sold to debt agencies. These agencies are eager to recover anything. The customary way of dealing with them is to negotiate your debt if you’re in hardship. If I make them an offer and they accept it is this halal even if the offer I make it low? But they still accept?
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Assal?m alaykum warahmatullahi wabarak?tuh.
I read of the hadeeth of Ras?lullah SAW about not selling fruits until they're ripe in my country we've a staple food green bananas or (plantains) it is famously grown in tropical countries and harvested while it's still green in colour not yellow is it permissible for me to sell it when it's green because.. More
assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Dear Scholar(s),
I am currently joining Dropshipping Business with an Electronic Merchant. The Merchant sells a lot of Branded Products i.e. from ASUS, Lenovo, HP, DELL, and so on.
as you know that the merchant is not the Brand(s) Owner (nor the Product Owner). The Merchant is One who is trusted by the.. More
Can i sell trees used for timber abd electricity poles in my country to non muslims? In case of timber it's used in building houses and the poles for electricity will i be held accountable for what the sins they commit in their houses or the electricity they receive through the poles.
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If a shop(online or offline) uses kufr acts to promote their shop, does it affect the permissiblity of shopping there?
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Assal?m 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarak?tuh.
I'd like to know the isl?mic rulings regarding the following.
(1). I want to grow Vanilla and sell it commercially to Vanilla brokers (exporters) in my country who eventually sell it internationally in USA,Europe and other countries besides me the seller! all the remaining are non-muslims (buyers). when.. More
as-Salaamu ‘?lakeum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa BarakaatuhCan you please explain in reasonable amount of detail what is the ruling of bay’ tasreef. Where person buys from the seller only the amount of he is able to sell on and return back to the seller that which he was left with and unable to sell. I’ve heard different rulings on the permissiblity of.. More
Assalamualikum,My name is Mustafa and I am from Cambodia. I would like to have some questions regarding Riba.I used to purchase some household products for my home by installment payment with the bank. In the past I didn't realize that this kind of purchase was associated with Riba. Someone told me that when you make the purchase, as long as you don't.. More
Chickens is usually killed to celebrate Christmas in Nigeria. Thus, is it allowed for a Muslim who coincidentally have chickens to sell at this period (without intention of Christmas) to move with his business, knowing that most of the purchaser will kill it for Christmas.
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AsSalamu alaykum shaikh. I want to ask you is my job halal. I work in stock of one company and my job is to check stock and order missing equipment while I do not sale it and don`t transfer it. Colleagues from sale department after sale goods to customer come in stock and take equipment they sold. They sometimes sale this equipment to companies that.. More
I'm 20, still studying, my father sells non hijabi clothes to non muslim women who will certainly wear it in public. Are his money permissible for me?
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Assalamu alaykum sheikh,I and my father went to a store to buy a vehicle. The store owner sold us a vehicle and took money from us and gave us a receipt and told us that he would deliver the vehicle to us within few days. After coming home(vehicle was not delivered to me yet but we had made the payment and taken a receipt from him) i realised that he.. More
السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاتهRegarding drop shipping , according to the fatwa 276988 and 161689 you said that it is permissible if I were the mediator/broker. However it weren't specified how can i be the mediator properly so here is my question. for it to be halal which of these scenarios is/are acceptable :1- writing in.. More
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