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I want to know what is right, can I see my wife's face or not?I want to know about Mahram and who is Mahram?.. More
My father has uncle and this person is married to his mother (My grandmother) and he married my mother's grandmother and divorced her. He is living in our house now. Is it inviolable when he looks at my mother? Is it inviolable to live with us in the same house? I appreciate your attention... More
I deeply appreciate it. I am not attending a university but an educational centre where all the reviews for foreign graduates are being conducted and I am currently taking my final medical board exam and I do have group studies with other foreign medical graduates in the form of question reviews and also do work for this centre too. Please let me know.. More
Is it okay to give lectures for ladies in the mosques? Taking into account that here in Canada, we have difficulties of getting places to hold such lectures or Islamic classes.
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Can a woman wear semi-fitted clothes amongst her female counterparts or is there any Islamic ruling on this issue? What is the Awrah of a woman before other Muslim women?
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Did any study done in Saudia some years back reveal that breast feeding mothers in Saudi were having deficiency of some vitamins because they were not getting enough exposure to sunlight as they wear black abayas, hence European company introduced a formula milk for infants to overcome the deficiency in infants?? I know may take some time, but I wish.. More
My question is about Hijab: why do some people say that wearing Hijab is a choice that they made? I thought it was recommended that Muslim women wear Hijab? (I wear Hijab but I was just wondering about this)... More
I wore the veil twice but I could not bear it so I took it off; each time I wore it less than 5 days. Than I once made Allah a promise if I buy a new car I will wear it, and I am in the process of purchasing a new car, but I am afraid if I wear it again I will take it off again. Moreover, my family and I are facing a financial problem and I am working.. More
I live in the US. At the mosque we have an executive committee elected by the people of the community. Can women get involved in these elections? A) As a voter? B) As a candidate?
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I am currently a Masters student and all I am being taught is the superiority of men over women in Islam. I whole heartedly agree. Yet I have some questions which generally arise in our class. 1) Are men superior to women?2) Men and women are mentioned (individually) how many times in Qur'an?3) What should I say and what should be my response to such.. More
What is the Islamic ruling if a woman wants to go out and study for her own growth and development (which in turn will no doubt make her a good mother and wife) but the husband doesn't want her to due to the Hadith that says women should stay in their homes and not come out unless very necessary... More
I am a 15 year-old Muslimah living in America. I have a question concerning the clothes I wear at school. Normally I wear pants and long sleeved shirts. They are what most girls wear in America which are bell bottom jeans and short shirts. I know I only do this to fit in, but how can I turn back? Is this really bad? I always feel exposed in some way.. More
1) Is the prayer of male and female or is there any difference?2) What is the ruling for following the four Imams?3) Are we allowed to work in a supermarket?.. More
I'm a Filipino Muslim working as a nurse here in Middle East. Being an expert, we are handling patients of both sexes and more often than not, males. I have read so many articles about the mixing of both sexes in a workplace but it seem to be common nowadays. Can you please enlighten me on this subject?
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1) I am a new Muslim. Can I show my hair and arms to my male cousins, my mom's sister's sons? Can my husband shake my aunt's hand and give her a hug? Please verify your answer with evidence from the Qur'an or authentic Hadith.2) I am the only one in my family who is Muslim, and my parents want us (my husband, daughter, and I) to stay here in the United.. More
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