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I am a married man and I have three daughters. I came to study in the USA before two years and my family is with me. My wife delivered a baby girl before a month ago, thank God. The expenses were very high and I am running out of money. Can I send my wife and children back to Palestine to live with her family for one year until I finish my studies here.. More
This is very important as many women I know don't believe that the feet should be covered and I know that a lady who doesn't wear her Khimar properly will not even smell Jannah. So please elaborate on the following, Insha Allah. Please give me a Hadith stating that the feet of women should be covered during prayer. I understand that it is mentioned.. More
Can a woman travel alone, if the journey is less than 24 hours and is by plane?
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Is masturbation Haram? What if you are talking to a woman on the phone and she says things to cause an erection is it the same as Zina?
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We have a girl in our community who is an orphan and does not have any relative to care of her. Unfortunately, the Muslim community here is not paying any attention to her. As such she is alone. She did try to make friends with other Muslim girls coming from different countries to study in the US. To her disappointment, she found them more of exploiters.. More
Is there only one way to wear Hijab?
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Please explain this Ahadith I found on The issue of Isbaal applies to women just as much as it applies to men. This is indicated by the Hadith of Ibn 'Umar, May Allah be pleased with him, who said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: 'Whoever trails his garment on the ground out of pride, Allah will.. More
I am an American who has converted to Islam two years ago. I moved to U.A.E with my husband and I have not been home to America since then. This summer I plan to go back home, but I am worried about how the people in my hometown will react. After what happened during September to the World Trade Center, the people in my small all white town are very.. More
How should the behaviour of men be towards women; for example, can men speak with women, or can men shake hands with women, or can men salute women? Can men do these things in any situations and what are these?
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I want to know if we are allowed to speak with men about religion... More
Is it true that Islam forbids women to leave their homes? If some women get good qualifications or want to serve their country or their families, are they allowed to do so in Islam?
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Are women equal to men in all affairs?
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Is it Haram for Muslim women with Hijab to go to restaurant?.. More
Is a woman's voice part of her Awrah?
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I am working in a foreign company surrounded by beautiful non-Muslim collegues I try very hard not to fall, so I fast and pray, but that does not keep me from feeling alone. I was thinking can I use more time in sport and other studies? Is it ok to use special medicine to either reduce or kill the desire for sex? Getting married is not the answer for.. More
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