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I am 17 years old and I intend to study computer science next year in a university which is mixed (boys and girls). Is it permissible for me to study in this university? I will cover my face and will strictly abide by the rules of the Islamic Sharia. If it is not permissible please let me know why. Also, in my country there are very few separate universitie.. More
I am a student in University and I live in a small dormitory with about 13 other girls. We have good security and the security guard makes regular rounds. I live far away from home and don't have a Mahram man anywhere near by. My question is: should I be here without a Mahram male? I just think about widows and divorced women, they don't have Mahrams.. More
bismillah ar-rahman ar-raheem, as-salamu alaikum wa rahmat Allahy wa barakatuhu, I am writing to express my sincere thanks with your efforts in responding to my questions, jazakum Allah khairan. I appreciate the time you dedicated to writing and answering all of our questions. Unfortunately there is a desperate need for psychological services in Egypt.. More
Is a women allowed to uncover herself in front of her mother's brother or her father in-law if they are disbelievers, people of the book?.. More
I live in Romania and I have practiced wearing the affixed veil (NIQAB) here for a year (1998) I faced many problems; for instance I really wasn't bothered if people looked at me because they really could not see anything. The problem was that I felt I invited a lot of trouble: men on the street started bothering me, there were times when men approached.. More
Are women allowed to practically fight in Jihad, by using arms etc.; was this practiced in the times of the Rasool SAW or the tabiyeen or taba tabeyeen? .. More
My sister works in an American school and she has sent me some money as I do not have a job and I desperately need money. Should I take it or refuse? Should she work there anyway?
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But Muslim student organisation was sopposed to elect a president for the organisation, but named of the brothers wanted to became president. The sisters ran for the presidency and we elected one of them. One responsibility of the job is occasional travel. Is it haram and did I commit a sin taking part in the election.
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I am, Alhamdulilah, currently enrolled in a Clinical Psychology (PhD) program in the United States, with the intention of providing much-needed individual and family psychotherapeutic services with an Islamic basis (and Da`wa) to Muslims insha Allah, in the future.However, as part of confidentiality practice in my training, I will need to meet with.. More
A woman relative came to spend a year in my house (I live with my dad), but both my dad and brothers are not considered 'maharem' to her. Sometimes I leave her a go out and she stays alone with them, and there is a lot of mixing and socializing. What can I do?
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Can a married women make Hijrah without her husband?.. More
Do I have to obey my husbend when he asks me not to remove my Shylah when I'm with ladies and there are no men? Does he have the right to do that?.. More
My question is about the Muslim woman and work in a society where people have lost their faith and where there's a lot of corruption. I'm afraid of the "fitna" and I've choosen to stay at home, but my parents want me to work in order to help them. We are not very poor, but my father has a lot of debts. I don't wear the "nikab", only hair-scarf. When.. More
Is it true that Prophet Muhammad said that women are short of mentality? If yes, explain this point of view, because I have been talking with someone who thinks that Islam does not respect women.
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