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Is it haram to speak with men?
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Is a woman obliged to wear socks when she is outside the home or while praying?.. More
How does Islam treat Muslim women studying abroad without a Mahram, knowing that this kind of education she wants is not available in her country?
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Is it Haram for me to talk to my mother's husband's son now that I am married even if we were raised together?.. More
Now I live in the U.S.A. and I cover my face. Can I expose my face when I feel danger in these days?
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I am a Muslim woman who lives with her blood father who is Christian. I know that I must be covered except for my face and hands in the presence of any man who is not my unmarrigeable relative. However, I recently heard that I must also be completely covered, except for my face and hands, in the presence of my father who I live with. Is this correct?
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I would like to travel to see my parents. Can I travel by myself if all my Mahrams can't go with me for some reason? I really want to see my parents whom I haven't seen for 3 years. Can I go with another woman or two, without the Mahram?
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I know that (al-Niqab) covering face is an obligation, so I am intending to wear it, Insha Allah. But I am a doctor and I am Egyptian. I haven't finished my Master degree yet in Cairo University. This step will affect my career as the doctors there are refusing even al-Hijab. I wear an Abayah (outer garment). So my question is whether to wear al-Niqab.. More
Is it ok to sit in the front passenger seat when the driver is your brother-in-law?
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Most of the time, I pray to Allah that, I wish I was in a Muslim country because, here in U.S. there are many girls that dress very nice, that makes me feel to be with them, but I do resist it, is that a sin watching them as they walk by? Is it a sin to talk to girls in school? Many times, school projects, and groups are required for school, and I sometimes.. More
Is the Hijab necessary for girls who have the period and are about 13 years or below?.. More
I am Muslim but I don't wear Hijab; I want to, but I can't. Can you help me, please?
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Is the Hijab an obligation?
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I work in Europe for a period of one year now. (During this period I visited her 4 times every 3 month) I left my wife at our home all that time, she's living alone with her sister and her parents are visiting her from time to time. I want to ask, what about her situation from getting out from the house to finish some things, and her situation in general.. More
I am lady living in Canada and I want to take the pure Sunnah; so I decided to join American Open University to study Islam since and I know that they are close to Sunnah. My question is this way (studying by mailing) the right way or is this (Bidah) not Sunnah?.. More
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