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1012 fatwas

  • She is afraid to marry someone other than the man she loves

    salam alaikum sheikh i am a 19 year old girl. my problem is that i have a neighbour who is 2 or 3 years elder to me. we dont know each other though our parents know each other well. i was abroad for several years and came back to home land for higher studies. my parents are still abroad. that is when i started noticing him. we were together on daawah.. More

  • His girlfriend left him for her ex-boyfriend

    Assalamualaikum brother, I had a relation with a girl for 2 years. Couple of months ago we had sex. We got ourselves in this HARAM deed for several times. But we both used to think our selves husband & wife though i know its pure HARAM. But suddenly she changed and started telling that she wants to get back to her previous boyfirend as she saw.. More

  • His daughter is deeply in love with an unsuitable man

    Respected Scholar: We are going through hell and need your help and guidance. Our daughter who is 24 years old has been in continuous contact with a man who is of the bad character and no one in the community will marry their daughter to him, he was married someone in Pakistan and has a daughter he is in Mortgage business which is haram he is already.. More

  • His wife is adamant not to let him marry another wife

    salam,my wife has taken promise me after marriage that i will not marry any 2nd girl and if i marry he will not live with me no more.she often says that Allah has made me unsecure,how is it possible that i feel secure that my husband will not do 2nd this case study mentioned above i told her that do not worry,its permissible in islam,do.. More

  • Her co-wife feels no need to deal with her

    AS salaamu alaikum, my question is does a muslim (brother or sister) have more rights than a marriage (husband or wife)? My co-wife seems to think her husband has more rights to her than me as her sister in Islam is this true? She feels she really doesnt have to deal with me... More

  • Two schoolmates love each other but can not marry now

    Asalam o Alakium. Im 20 years old. My name is Saleha.I really need urgent guidance. There was a very islamic tableeghi boy in my school and he was what i had always idealised as an islamic husband. So i told my mum about it and she contacted his mum. Both our parents like eachother's families but they think we are too young for nikah.Is it allowed to.. More

  • His childless wife will not live with him if he marries another wife

    assalamualaikum i married 9 yrs ago i dont had child i want 2 marry anotherwomen for children purpose what should i give hissa(property)2 my first wife she is demanding and after getting hissa what so ever (property) my wife is telling 2 me she will not live with me and seperated from me if i give talaq 2 my wife iam fearing she will put a case.. More

  • Wants to talk to his ex-girlfriend to call her to Islam

    Please give an urgent reply since the matter is very urgent. One of my friends (Indian), who is now aged 21 years had an extra-marital relationship with a two year elder non-muslim girl. Eventhough my friend was born in a Muslim Family, he was not practicing islam in proper manner. They lived together in one room for 1.5 years and had estra marital.. More

  • She feels humiliated that her husband reconciled with his first wife

    Aslm Alkm.Pls help me .im the 2nd wife of my husband , and he already have a first wife with 3 kids all are grownup. like age 17, 15 and 11.His first wife is not at all a understanding lady past 14 years my husband controlled himself because of 3 kids,they both didnt hav proper sharing of bed also with him, After second marriage there was a very.. More

  • He is ashamed that he sent his second wife to her country

    i am living with my wfie n adult sons in india.i married an arab woman as my second wife n brought her to india.since the second wife came,my health became very bad.i could not continue life with second wife.therefore i requested her to go back to her country and i gave her settlement first wife is against with my living with second wife.i.. More

  • Wants to choose between his wife and his girlfriend

    My parents got me engaged when I was 15years old. I lived in the USA and the girl was in pakistan. I was so young I didnt know anything about engagement and marriage. As I got older I finally realized what had happend and I didnt want to be engaged to this girl. I never talked to this girl and only saw her 1 time when i went to pakistan when I was 18years.. More

  • His father is not just between his two wives

    I'm a 19 years old,my father is one of reich businessmen in the city,and he has 2 families but he isn't faire in many aspects to my mother and family.He is always biassed as mach as i cann't explaine. Is it haram if I spend money(without his permission) for things that are necssary e.g educational purposes and things that might not be necessary but.. More

  • Committed Zina after his fiancée broke off their engagement

    Asalam Alaykum, i have been a new Muslim for 8 years. I got engaged with a young lady who is also Muslim but when she broke off the engagement my iman became weak. I am so ashamed to admit this, but i turned to a non-muslim woman for comfort and unlawful relations took place. I don't know if she is pregnant or not. Then i received a call and i was given.. More

  • Reluctant to marry again because of her previous failed marriages

    Salam aleikum, There is this sister who is a revert and made hijra to an Islamic country by herself, her being the only Muslimah in her family. She is so overly positive that she thinks that all Muslims are honest and sincere, and so people take advantage of her all the time. She has been married three times and every time the husband took advantage.. More

  • Her maternal grandfather denies her the right to marry

    Assalaamu Alaykum I kindly ask your advice on the matter below. My mother was murdered by my father when I was a child and my maternal grandparents raised me. I have no relationship with my father or his family. I was married and had children and was divorced after 8 years after my husband physically and emotionally abused me. I am divorced for.. More