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1012 fatwas

  • You must immediately cut your relationship with this woman

    I am a Muslim male that, is involved with a christen woman,we dated for a while before I moved in with her. I have conversations with her about Islam, but she seem as if its no interest to her and she don't seem to want to have any knowledge of Islam, I argue and stress to her the important to have the knowledge and openness, And we may can not further.. More

  • Married his first wife secretly to avoid angering his parents

    The man get merry woman 4 months ago but she is in secret because his parents never accept non arab girl.He had problem to have children so told her that she will stop to be in secret when she get pregnent and then they will tell about this merryd to his parents because he is sure that they accept her.He promisse also and she agree for this that he.. More

  • Loves a married man and does not want to marry other than him

    Assalamu alaikum, I'm a newly converted unmarried girl, who was guided to the right way by my colleague, married man. I'm loving him before he got married, he too loving me. At that time of exposing our love, his engagement was over, i know its very bad to stop a girl's marriage and spoiling his reputation, so i haven't stopped his marriage. He.. More

  • A married man wants to marry a second woman who has herpes

    Assalaamu Alaikum waraghmatullah If a brother wants to marry a sister as a second wife. How ever the sister has a picked up a sexually transmitted desease known herpes because of previouse relationship but she has repented sincerely. she was not raised as a practising muslim. How ever now she is practising MasrhAllah and repented for her past. Is the.. More

  • Her fiancé is a liar

    i'm engaged and my fiancee lies a lot to the extent that i do not believe him any more .i can not leave him because my family refuses. .. More

  • Her new Muslim husband married a Hindu woman

    Assalamualaikum I have a question. I am currently married to a man who converted( previously a hindu). But few months back he got married to a hindu woman but never consumated the marriage. (family arrangement )He;s living with me all this while.He still live like a muslim . My question is my marriage with him still valid? An is he still consider a.. More

  • A new Muslim woman wants to see her to-be fiancé

    In Fatwa no. 86002 is given that if a converted girl to islam wants to meet a male she is alowed to meet the male with a 3th person, another sister or with a group of men. Could u pls give more daliel. And what about the Wali, is it alowed to meet the male in the presence of the Wali (whom isnt her Mahram!). Or can the non-muslim Mahram be present when.. More

  • His adoptive family objects to his choice for marriage

    Salaam, i am in a situation where i have been adopted and live with my guardians in England and my parents who i have little contact with live in Pakistan. 2 years ago i met a non-muslim girl who i wanted to marry but my guardians objected to this. I then left the house to be with the girl and 8 months later reconciled with my guardians and came back.. More

  • Marrying non-Muslim women in non-Muslim countries

    i heard of cases where muslim men marry women from the people of the book and their children are not muslim so this would be considered a loss. so i am guessing marrying women of the people of the book is only allowed in muslim countries??? or under islamic rule??.. More

  • Marrying a new Muslim woman to give her moral support

    is it compulsary to give a moral support to a new muslim lady a man has to marry her? can't he & his family support her in a normal way... More

  • Don’t marry him unless you are sure he will not sell intoxicants

    dear scholars, asalamu in a huge delimma and i hope u can tell/advice me on what to do..most of my family here in the west are working in liquor uncles, granpas (from mom side), my dad, its everyone i know..i want out of this...i have tried so hard to advice my dad and mom also tried with her brothers and her dad but no More

  • Marrying a non-Muslim woman to help her keep her chastity

    Aslamo Alaiykum, I m a 26yr old Muslim in UAE, i m engaged with close cousin in Pakistan 5years past,i m in UAE since 2yrs Plus ,i found a christian lady married with a hindu on the witness of a Fake document ( Hindu had a wife in India & He make her Death Certificate document to marry this Christian Lady, they had been seperated from a time, when.. More

  • Her father refuses to marry her off to a good man due to his nationality

    Assalamualaikum,Dear brother ,my questions are as fallows. 1.I have a proposal from a man who is very good,pious and i know him very well,he also talked to my dad many times,but my dad is refusing coz he is of different nationality,so is it ok if i dont put efforts to convince my dad and just keep quite without doing any and i leave every thing on allah,?.. More

  • A woman is sought for marriage for four reasons

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, "A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, for her family status, for her beauty and for her religion. So choose the woman who is religious." Please explain the meaning of the Hadeeth. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Her parents refuse to marry her off to a man of a different nationality

    At the age of 16, I was presented islam from a different angle, and this made me want to convert. But within some time, I met a young man who somehow made me see the beauty in islam. He wasnt all religious but he had his tawheed part perfect. He proposed and i prayed istikarah and accepted. Our relationship wasnt completely halal. My parents found.. More