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1012 fatwas

  • Lying to his first wife about his second marriage

    Salam alaikum, can a husband, who marries a second wife in secret, lie to his first wife and say he has not married a second wife, when she asks him the direct question? I am a convert married for 20 yrs in Europe with 6 children. My husband and I built a flat and a granny flat on his fathers property in N. Afriica with joint money with the intention.. More

  • Wants to get married while in college

    Asslamualaikum... I am a student of 24 years old. I wish to marry to keep away from haraam. My father is financially sound. It takes around 4 years to complete my studies and get into a good job, by then i will be 28 years old. Is there any provision to marry a girl for a student like me?.. More

  • We do not advise you to marry this woman

    I am a Indian and married person, one girl from russia who is a christian intrested in converted to islam and marry me.. She is unknown, Can I marry her?.. More

  • Engaged to a man whom she did not see or meet

    im girl & proposed by a man whom i completely dont know,he is my far relative,i have never seen him,and he has never seen me too,the wedding will be after 2 months,he lives in another country,i know that islam encourages the expected couples to see each other before marriage,but our case is different we cant meet bcoz we r far from each other,i.. More

  • In love with a man who confessed to be a bisexual

    Assalamualaikum.I had a boyfriend and we have been together for more than 1 and a half year. Recently, he confess to me that he is bisexual and that all this while he did not take our relationship seriously up till now.He wants to be serious as he realise that he really love me for who i am and he wants to be honest and truthful. He did not tell many.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl whose family sells intoxicants

    My question is Im looking to get married to a young lady comes from a nice family but the problem is her family own a store have liquer/pharmacy like a small supermarket....My father aginst it and I like her and i was wondering what is the fatwa for this problem i dont know what to do for both sides??? thank you.. More

  • Non-Muslim men marrying Muslim women

    ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAH-MATU-LLAH Jazakumu LLAHU qhaira for this website. About marring Ahlul-Kitab, Iam dead against it. Yes it is in the quran, but it was so because Arabs used to barry there girls alive, so there was few women than men .Today we have more wemen than men. I have spoken to muslim women in my community who are living with kuffar men why.. More

  • Wants to ask her husband to choose between her and his new wife

    my husband re-married another woman just to look after his mum, he did this without telling me, i fund out by chance, i want him to divorce her or me. am i haram to ask him to do so. he does not treat us equally and when i married him 8yrs ago, i asked him if he would ever remarry and he said no. he made a promise. i have 3 kids, she has none. he claims.. More

  • This relation is pure Zina

    salamualykum.. my question is.... there is a muslim boy and girl.they love each other and have all the relationship as a husband and wife.they have a sexual intercourse too so many times.but suddenly they cannot marry becose of the family misunderstanding or anyother what is the position for them in islam..they want to marry each other.. More

  • Engaged to a girl for two years but her father postpones their marriage

    1)I am 24 and can't keep away from temptations,i am engaged to a girls since two years and want to marry now but her parents want her elder sisters to get married first.What is islamic ruling on it? 2)When I saw her,started liking her but got to know that someone else was interested in her, i then asked my mother to ask for her hand,which her parents.. More

  • Engagement party

    asalamuallaikum wa rahmat Allah,,,,,,Bismillah wa alhamdullilah wa salat wa salam a rasool Allah,,,,,,,,,,What is the ruling regarding an "engagement party" before marrying??? (according to the understanding of the salaf u salah,,,,,) please bring daleels from kitab u sunnah (saheeh hadiths or at least hasan according to the salafi scholars) .. More

  • Sisters trying to find a second wife for their brother

    assalamu alaikum my brother got married to a girl of my mother's choice...but now he doesnt like her...he doesnt find her attractive...he has lost interest in life bcoz of this...and now my sisters n mother are planning to get another wife for him....but i m afraid if will dat be an injustice to the first wife....??? are we hurting her...will be accountable.. More

  • Wants to re-establish relation with a Christian girl to marry her

    bismillahi rahmaani rraheem.assalamu alikkum.i am in a problem.i liv in dubai.2yrs ago i met a gal here wen i was on a vacation.she is a christian.v had love @first sight.i met her only once.i didnt even remember her face.after our meeting i left to india for degree.v talked thru phone.v didnt hav any intention to v both love our parents very.. More

  • Wants to marry a divorced man who is older than her

    Alsalam alaikaum wr wb..Im askin you please to answer my Questions...Im incredibly lost...I am Practicing Islam Alhamduallah, i just wanted to know Is day dreaming about sex, with the same or oppisite sex haram? I heard that Its not haram since its not done literally, Its only imagination. My Question is can I just dream, since im really not doin it? More

  • Received a marriage proposal from a smoker who has not completed his education

    Salam alekom A man has proposed to me to get married, he smokes and has not completed his education, and I completed my education and I dont smoke, my family said to me not to marry him cause of these reasons, but is this fare to judge person for the lack of education, the main problem is that we live in UK and it is very difficult to find good muslim.. More