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1012 fatwas

  • Her ex-fiancé wants to marry her after she married another man

    married from aman and i was engaged befor him but i didnt tell him that , and after im married now my ex finace come back and he want to marry me whil the problem solved , im confused now between my husband and my ex fiance , my husband arab man and he is in wgypt i went there to marry him and we married and i come back to usa waiting him to come.. More

  • Muslim women writing letters to Muslim prisoners to raise their morale

    As-salamu alaykum. Is it permissible for Muslim women to write letters to Muslim men who are held in prisons in non-Muslim countries (sometimes in solitary confinement) in order to raise their eeman and keep their spirits high at a difficult time? Some sisters are claiming that it is necessary for them to do this even though these brothers in prison.. More

  • Having witnesses for an engagement

    Eselamu aleykum my dear brothers and sisters! My questions is: 1.Do I need withnes for Hitbe(proposal) 2.Is it halal to kill snake if I see her near me? 3.Can I shave hair from my back?.. More

  • A Saudi national asks for her Philippino daughter's hand

    assalamu alaikum! I have a daughter engaged to a saudia national but before they can get married he got married to an arab woman liked by his father. He still wants to marry my daughter but my daughter doesn't want to become a second wife. My daughter is in another saudi province while his fiancee is in madinah. We are filipino muslim. My question is.. More

  • Wants to marry a Christian woman and intends to marry another Muslim woman

    I am living in a non-muslim country where there is a very small non-Arab muslim community and I am fearful of being tempted into Zina. I want to get married but I do not feel ready(emotionally) for marriage and its responsibilities because I am still continuing my studies. I am financially able to marry a muslim woman from my country but I am not.. More

  • Perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you

    salamI m muslim male, living u.s. confusion in my intentions a girl i wanted to marry I thought that i wanted to marry her for the right reasons and the dreams i had of being with her were halal I had known her for many years and liked her since i was very young 15 main reason i liked her was her hijab I lost contact with her for a few years and mostly.. More

  • Looking for a wife in night clubs

    I'm 26 years old and i'm still single living in America with all it's temptations. I don't have the money nor the college degree that would allow me to get married to a girl back home. Is it okay to get married to an American girl in secret with witnesses and all. I don't want to commit zina but depression got a hold of me. The problem is how can i.. More

  • Her cousin abused her sexually when she was young but now he is a good Muslim

    Assalam-u-Alaikum I would like to ask you a question. I was sexually abused by a cousin of mine when I was 10. He was a few years older. But then I had had enough and confronted him about it. The matter ended then and there. Its been almost 10 years since. And we have not been on talking terms. He asked me to forgive him. I said yes I have forgiven.. More

  • Her brother loves a girl who is not accepted by his family

    asalam alaikum we have a big fmaily , with older sisters and younger brothers. my two sisters are umarried. and one of my younger brother is involved with some girl who met him in liberary, the girl family and she is not of good character but he says now she is good. they meet and talk on phone. my parents and no one in family liked that girl. but my.. More

  • His parents refuse his plans to marry and stay in India

    assalamualikum, i am 26 years of age , i want to marry as early as possible, but my parents dont agree this ,they said to me first you arrange money for living expences , ok now i am work in qater , but after one year insha allah i will go india and marry ,only one month leave is available one month after iwll return alone, my wife in india ,again.. More

  • Having dinner with her fiancé’s father while he is drinking wine

    My father in law drinks wine while eating. I know it's forbidden to stay with anybody while drinking but he invites me n my fiance to dinner outside and I can't leave them because this will cause problems. At the same time, I can't tell my fiance to prevent his dad from drinking. My fiance himself knows it's forbidden and prays regularly and doesn't.. More

  • Her husband asked her to conceal their marriage from first wife and his family

    Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. I need advice on this please. About 6months ago i got married to man who religious alhamdulillah. He has his first wife who had three children. When he asked me to mary me 6months ago, i spoke to my parents about it. And my father even without seeing him he agreed having the trust on me to have seen the right.. More

  • Wants to inform a girl that he loves her

    Thank you for the reply on question: 2115980 but i have another question. would it be permisabble if i told her i like her and i would like the get married to her inshallah five years time and in the mean time to get to know her... More

  • Has uncertain feelings about a man who wants to marry her

    I knew a man before 3 years abroad, when I went to make a language course. Since I met him, he wants me to marry. But I've never been sure of him. Also because of the fact, that he is an Arab and me I am turkish. We are totally different in our personalities, f.e. he likes spending money a lot, and me I'm more attentive. Should one be more similar.. More

  • Wants to marry a man who is still a student but her father refuses

    Asalam alaikum,I am a girl living in a western country,I met a very religious person wal hamd le allah,he asked me for marriage and he meet my parents ,my parents liked him al hamd le allah,but the problem is that he is still a student,and me too ,it has been now almost nine months that we know each other,al hamd le allah we had done nothing haram.. More