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1012 fatwas

  • Wants to marry a Christian woman to whom his wife is sexually attracted

    All praise to Allaah, blessings to the Prophet. Thank you for considering this difficult question. My wife and I are very good friends with one nice lady who is not a Muslim but still a person of the Book. I am trying to understand one thing that has arisen because my wife and I greatly like the idea of accepting her as a second wife, an.. More

  • Wants to marry a Christian woman who had a child from fornication

    I am a married Muslim living in Doha with my wife and two kids. I have a long time desire to take a second wife in marriage even though my wife is totally against it. Recently I met a Christian lady from Philippines who has accepted my proposal to marry she is willing to convert to Islam if she is convinced. But I would like to give some.. More

  • Wants to marry a girl whose parents hate practicing Muslims

    I am a Muslim man who’s practicing Islam in a good way, Inshaa' Allaah. I am having a problem and I really need (Fatwa) for my problem. The problem is that, a year ago I’ve met a girl from Turkey, and she is Muslim girl who doesn’t know anything about Islam, since that time I’ve been trying to change her thought about Islam because.. More

  • Criteria of the successful marriage

    Marriages work best when couples are from the same background, race and religion. What is your opinion in that? Please write to me by Arabic and English. .. More

  • Father is unjust between his wives

    My dad has more than 1 wives this usually was not a problem as we used to work together as a big family however recently he has a married a younger wife which is younger than his 2nd wife, that is not a problem to me as I respect my dad and I believe that he knows what he is doing. There has been a lot of argument's that has broken the family.. More

  • Her father does not choose a good husband for her

    Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatuallah wa barakatuh, I would like my question answered with quran and sunnah references. Please try to answer that way and no need to rush cause i need proper guidance. I come from a muslim family. But my family is not that religious. There is music in the house TV showing all haraam programes, non maharaam men visiting.. More

  • Exchanging messages with a man who decided to marry her

    I am a divorced sister I have one child, about 3 months ago I was introduced to a brother, he lives in another country and we spoke over the phone and emailed each other in order to get to know each other I told my mother about him, we decided to marry Inshaa’ Allaah, and he is moving to the country where I live, but this will take bit off time.. More

  • Marrying a girl who dances in front of females

    Is it permissible for a Muslim girl to dance among females? If a girl says that she only dances very occasionally (wedding and parties, etc.) in front of females and her female cousins and friends, and solely without any bad intentions but just for fun, then is marrying such a girl allowed? Please respond in detail. .. More

  • Loves her cousin and is afraid of Allaah

    Please advise me as soon as you can. Is it ok if we develop some feelings for someone? That is if they are pure and free from all the sexual desires and our only intention is to marry the person in the future if Allaah has given us a long enough life? I have had feelings for my cousin for the past 4 years, and my Lord is my witness, I've never had.. More

  • He wants to take his wife's friend as a second wife

    I have a question regarding marry friends. My brother wants to marry his wife's best friend who is leaving with them. She works in the state where they live, so instead of a single sister staying alone she asked her husband (my sister in-law) if her friend could stay with them until she gets married. Now I have met her and she is a religious girl,.. More

  • Being just between two wives in two countries

    If a person has two wives in two countries, how can he maintain equality with respect to standard of life let alone physical demands?.. More

  • Cut all relations with that woman immediately

    I was in love with non-Muslim female, but culture does not permit me to marry and same will not be accepted by parents and family members. Now, I talk with her on net, at the same time, that makes me unfaithful to my wife whom I married of my parent's choice. But when I asked her (non-Muslim female) for marriage, she denied and.. More

  • Wants to marry her Catholic boyfriend with whom she had sex

    I have been dating my boyfriend who is a non-Muslim Catholic for 4 months. The age gap between us is rather large, I am 18 and he 29. My parents are currently unaware of the relation. We have had sexual relations before but never penetrative sex. Recently I lost my virginity to him. I am filled with regret, remorse and disgust with myself.. More

  • Proposal to a woman whose divorce has not been finalized

    My relative is a female and she is in the act of getting divorced. She has been separated from him for about a year and a half due to him saying and harming her. She is using a Muslim dating site so that she may have a husband in the future. She has been contacted by someone and they started to talk to each other, and know he is interested.. More

  • Her fiancée asks her promise to obey him

    My fiancée asked me to promise him that in case of a disagreement between us, he will make the decision and I have to obey him. I told him that I will not do anything against Islam, I am trying to organize my life with Islamic rules also, that I am not saying I am not going to obey him, but even in Muslim families there may be disagreements and.. More