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1012 fatwas

  • Her non-practicing Muslim parents encourage her to be disobedient to Allaah

    I am from Turkey and my parents are non-practicing Muslims, they are against the Hijaab, I have spoken to them but they still disagree and also have taken my Hijaab, what should I do? Also, I have prayed Salatul-Istikhaara for Nikaah, I feel that I am married but my mother said I should only worry about marriage, that it can wait. Should I wait?.. More

  • Wants to marry but fears her parents disapproval for financial reasons

    I am a college student in the U.S.A. Inshaa Allaah, I will graduate in May 2006. I plan to continue my education in a college of pharmacy which should last up to 4 years. I wish to ask the woman whom I'm fond of for her hand in marriage. My problem is that my financial situation will no allow me to do so at this time even though I am positive that.. More

  • Wants to marry live-in partner but her family object

    I am not a very religious person but I want to be, however, I am finding it hard to. I have a partner although I am not married. I want to marry him quick so I can stop committing sins. My brothers know about my partner as they found out but they have not told my parents, they told me themselves that there is no chance their going to let me.. More

  • Family wants to cover daughter's loose behavior by marrying her off, but her mother objects

    My question is about a marriage that is causing a big problem in a family. A guy has proposed to the father for his daughter's hand in which the father accepted since both the girl and boy are going steady already even against the girl's parents' wish. This is to avoid any more gossip in the community and also they cannot do anything about it.. More

  • She broke off engagement because he had broken a prior engagement before

    I met a Muslim girl through my family for marriage purpose, we decided to continue the relation for few months to better know each other. After few months passed, I decided to let her know that I had previously got engaged but did not work-out. The girl freaked out at me accusing me that I hide it from her and I should have told her from beginning... More

  • Troubled relationship with a man

    I love a man. This man told me he will come to see my family in the June or July, then I pray and told my God if this man is good making this relation to be continued and if it is not cut this relation. I want to go away from this man but I return back what can I do? .. More

  • Her fiancé wants to know everything about her past

    I have a problem and I need your help. 15 months ago I met a man honest religious, smart, hard worker. We were to be married. I love him and respect him very much. He also helped me get closer to Allaah. The problem is he is kind of a man wants to know everything I do or everything that has happened to me in past. He found out that there was.. More

  • Has relations with non-practicing Muslim

    I am the one who wrote question for Fatwa: 89860. I told my boyfriend the answer that was given to me. I told him that I could not see him anymore until he was ready to marry me. I was crying and very sad. He insisted that I stop crying and stop expressing my feelings in that manner. He also told me not to personalize this religion. He.. More

  • Has problems getting married

    I would like to ask you to guide me to the right way. I have engaged with a girl last with agreement all her and my family members while I am staying out side of my country and could not back to country now because of my job appointment. I am continuously praying Salat al-Istikhaara for that. Since last one and half year they are trying to get passport.. More

  • Her fiancé is having second thoughts about her

    I reverted to Islam 2 years ago Al-hamdulillaah, from Hinduism. I am engaged to a man who lives in Iraq and I live in Canada. In the past 4-5 months I spent our money very carelessly. I bought a luxury car, expensive clothes incite of having a university debt I am paying. For this valid reason my fiancé is very upset at me. He has time and time.. More

  • Does not want her husband to marry again

    My husband wants to get married and I am a wonderful wife, I do everything he tells me. Is it Haraam for me to tell him not to get married or stopping him from get married? .. More

  • His family rejects his marital choice because of her skin condition

    A God-fearing Muslim with a good moral character wants to marry me and I want to marry him as well because he is a good Muslim, Masha'a Allaah. I have a skin condition (vitiligo-from which I have lost skin pigments in various parts of my body). He does not have any problems with my skin condition. He still wants to marry me. His parents are stopping.. More

  • Muslim women only for Muslim men

    Why Muslim woman has to get married with only Muslim man? And if she loves Buddhist or Christian man and get married with him it is a big sin? As known many Muslim men did not follow Islam at all and they have bad character so what is the difference between them and not Muslim men?.. More

  • Her father refuses to accept the proposal of a revert

    If my father refuses to consider a marriage proposal for me to a revert, coming from a Hindu family, and instead prefers me marry someone within our culture. Do I struggle to try and get my father to come to terms with this proposal or do I simply re-consider someone from within my culture? I am aware when considering marriage it should be to someone.. More

  • Wants to know best way to be in contact with her fiancé' before marriage

    I have been engaged for almost a year and Insha Allah, am getting married soon. During this one-year with the consent of our parents my fiancé and I have stayed in regular touch through email and sometimes have also spoken on the phone. What I would like to know is that if my emails and telephone conversations have generally centered round religion.. More