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1012 fatwas

  • Wants to put his marriage on "hold" until she embraces Islam

    This is in reference to my previous question No. 260770: Please answer to my e-mail again. Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, I talked to her yesterday and she says that she firmly believes in one God and she is not at all a Christian as she has never believed in their idea of Trinity and Jesus as God, so she is firmly of the opinion.. More

  • Marriage to a girl who curses the Prophet's companions

    Can a Muslim who is Hafez-e-Qur'an marry a girl who believes that the Prophet's, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, companions became apostate and curses them? Her parents have no objection to the marriage. If yes then what can be the things he needs to do? .. More

  • Fate of a Muslim boy who allies a non-Muslim girl who converts of the time of marriage

    If a Muslim boy is in love with a non-Muslim girl and it is time for marriage. The girl agrees to convert. Will the boy get Sawab for converting a non-Muslim to a Muslim or will he be punished for having an affair with a non-Muslim? .. More

  • He wants to marry a Christian woman in Europe

    I'm Muslim living in an European country and I would marry a Christian woman but I don't know Muslims to attest the Islamic marriage, so the question is: must I marry by the Islamic way? Or it is ok for the moment... More

  • Became involved with a married woman who likes him and he can't seem to find a way out

    I met a woman from work who has 3 kids and is separated from her husband. She would always try to get my attention because she was attracted to me. I took advantage of the opportunity and started to talk to her about Islam. She was very open-minded and wanted to learn about the religion. I gave her a ride home a few times because it was dark and.. More

  • Older Muslim wants to marry young Muslim wife to start a family

    I am 48-years-old, but new Muslim (2 years). I am divorced from non-Muslim woman from my non-Muslim life. I met a young Muslim woman, only 22-years. Is it good way to build a family together? .. More

  • Wants to marry but faces problems

    If I am typing in English but my laptop is not supporting Arabic, any way I’m living in a country with a lot of bad habits, and the life is too expensive in the same time I need to get marry because I can’t take any more. Now the problem is that I don’t have enough money for this step, I’m now planning to get a lone from the bank for this,.. More

  • Wants to marry an agnostic non-Muslim

    I have a woman that I'm planning to marry her, but she told me we should wait until May of 2005. The reason she wants to get married 2005 is because of her parents, she wants her parents to know me well before getting married. Also, she is a non-Muslim; and she is planning to convert to Islam, she is agnostic. So, do you think I should wait.. More

  • Wants to marry a woman with child by previous marriage

    I am a 41-years Muslim actually living in Spain I am engaged with a woman from my home country-an Arab country-I strongly love that woman that I want to marry her as soon as possible. The problem is that she has a child (an 11 years boy) from the first husband that I am getting afraid to happen problems about or with the child. So please will.. More

  • In love but cannot fulfill it

    Two years back I had taken a Fatwa from you. That is 85032. In which you had recommended that in Islam women can also propose a man. In my case it is not possible. As I belong to another country and have my responsibilities here. He belongs to another country and he has kids, and other responsibility there. He is also not aware of my feeling.. More

  • Feels oppressed by her husband

    Allaah has commanded the man to maintain his family. The scholars say be patient with our mates. When does patient turn into stupidity. Muslimah has been married for 5 years; the husband who has two wives only financially supports the home of the first wife. Their is no division of time. Please help me to understand, it would seems that the.. More

  • Wants to attract a lady to marry

    This is a very strange question indeed. In order for a person to woo a lady, should he resort to behaving according to what is written on Internet sites by non-Muslims? This mainly consists of recommendations such as; staring someone in the eye when speaking, wearing the right clothes, cologne and speaking confidently, being clean shaven,.. More

  • Problems in her engagement

    My question is about 6 months ago I got engaged to my cousin, but the problem is that we live in a different country he lives in Africa and cannot come here and I live in England and I cannot go there yet as I am a student and we were going to get married when I finished studying but know he wants me to over, even though we agreed on me finished.. More

  • His family wants him to end his relationship with a girl

    Still in confusion about where to start with what all I can say. If anything in this finds un-Islamic I sincerely ask pardon from you brothers and Allah and requesting you to pin point and clear my errors. May Allah include us in the people of paradise? I was in love with a Hindu girl. But when I left India seeking a job in Qatar I dropped.. More

  • Worried about Islamic issues

    I am girl from Pakistan. I have many problems facing such as I don't pray, I have a bad habit to tell lies and I am completely out of Islam. I have a fiancé, we talk almost daily and in his family there are mix gatherings such as "Mehndi" during wedding. There are dances and songs performed by boys and girls together. I don't like this.. More