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1012 fatwas

  • Wants to marry a pious girl who was born outside of marriage

    First and foremost I appreciated how well you are serving our religion. After that I would like to clarify my doubts related to a marriageable question. I want to marry a girl but she was born before Nikaah or agreement marriage, she is pious girl, she says her prays she wears Hijaab she behaves like a pious girl. She fears Allaah she would like.. More

  • Ruling on polygyny

    What is the opinion of Islam when a religious teacher who wants to please a group of female congregation on matter of polygamy said: "When come to polygamy men always use the Sunnah to justify but when comes to other matters that are Sunnah men seem not to follow it." To me this is an insult to the Sunnah of polygamy and the religious teacher.. More

  • Has questions about her marital status and her husband's multiple marriages

    Was married before and have three children from that marriage. Unfortunately, it ended in divorce. I married my new husband in the USA in a civil ceremony. I became a Muslim after marrying almost immediately. We have never been married by Nikaah. My husband is from Egypt very close to his family and I respect all his wishes not to hurt them. He.. More

  • She prefers one marriage proposal over the first one

    What a woman must do if a pious person asking for her hand but she refuse too. Because she want somebody else who is a pious one also. .. More

  • A non-Muslim woman wants to marry her Muslim friend

    I am a white woman in a relationship with a Muslim. It is very difficult for both of us and his family refuses to meet me. Can you tell me why this is and is there anything I can do that will help the situation? Many thanks in advance for your help. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this man as he is wonderful and treats me so.. More

  • Wants to marry a Christian girl who says she will accept Islam after the marriage

    My question is that I want to marry with a Christian girl she says that she will accept Islam after marry. Can I marry with that girl or not?.. More

  • In a hurry to marry a man who promises to change

    My brother is trying to find me a husband, a pious man. But I have been asked by another man to marry him, he says he will become a good Muslim Inshaa' Allaah, he is going to come back in my college within 2 months and he said he will have a beard, etc., Inshaa Allaah. I have told my mum, and says just wait until 2 months and see whether he.. More

  • Snoring wife feels mistreated

    A husband has two wives; one has a problem with snoring due to nasal problems. So the husband chooses to sleep in another room while he stills sleeps with the other wife in the same room. Thus the wife he is sleeping away from (only because of this problem) she feels very hurt and sometimes feels a little distant from him please. Is it ok.. More

  • Having contacts with members of the opposite sex

    I was advised by a friend to ask you this question: For almost 2 years I mailed a friend of mine who is a guy, and I knew that he loved, and I don't deny that liked him because he had good morals. But few months ago we decided to stop mailing each other because it is unreligious and we are both trying to abide by Islamic rules. We agreed that.. More

  • He married a non-practicing Jewish wife and is worried about having children

    I'm a non-practicing Muslim man, but I believe in Allaah strongly and try my best to do the right thing by people (Muslims and non-Muslims). I have been married to a non-practicing Jewish girl for 6 years. She's honest, respectable and has very high standards of good morals and principles. For the last couple of years there's been talk between.. More

  • Wants clarification of her rights as first wife

    I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but my heart weighs heavy. My previous question brought doubt on my husband's morals. I do know him well enough to know where he draws the line on sexual activity outside of marriage. I know that he would not enter a woman that wasn't his wife. But where do other activities fall in terms of sinning, i.e. oral.. More

  • Illegal alien in USA trying to find a Muslim husband

    I am from Costa Rica, but I live in USA. I reverse to Islam 6 years ago. After one year being here I did meet a guy from Syria a couple months later I became his wife. This marriage was only in the Islamic way because he did not want to sign any papers just because he did tell me that I want him to fix my illegal situation. So he wants me.. More

  • Married to a non-Muslim woman who promises to become a Muslim

    I am Muslim married to English woman and have two children with her. I used to accept the fact that she is not a Muslim. But now I am 38-years of age I am changing and I feel I want my wife and kids to grow up as Muslims. She never stops me teaching my kids about Islam and when I ask her she says she is Muslim. She did the Shahada when I was the.. More

  • She is deeply concerned about the future of marriage to a revert (new Muslim)

    When considering marrying a revert if he has made a conscious effort to learn about Islam and fear of Allaah, what other qualities should be considered before deciding whether to marry a revert? Does consideration of his family and their involvement in my life and that of any future children, be a deciding factor in my decision of marrying a.. More

  • Wants to find pious religious Muslim husband in USA, but it is hard to find there

    Mine is more of an advise. I come from a Muslim family. But my parents are not very religious. I would like to get married to a very religious man. But the problem is my parents cannot find that for me. The Islam community here is not strong. So I cannot rely on leaders in mosque. What is your advice, how can I go about it? Any solution?.. More