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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband wants to reconcile although he took back his dowry and gifts

    Aslam-O-Alikum I have few questions on Kulah (Divorce Claimed by Wife). • When wife retuned all dowry or gifts back to husband & but husband still not given her divorce & and wants her to continue the relation and reconcile everything. What is the Islamic ruling on that either husband libel to divorce her or can do reconcile. • If she ready.. More

  • Her husband is nice but does not care enough about sex

    I am maried since 8 years, my husband is very nice, understanding, no demanding, he cares about me and his kids, he is very patient, but I have just a problem that he always busy by his work, emotionnaly he is so nice, but he does not give enough time to our private sexual life, we do get it sometime once every 15 days, do you think the fact that he.. More

  • Her husband prefers his sisters over her

    i converted ti islam 10 years ago, and i got married 2 years ago and moved to my husband to another contry to avoid my husband's family lives in the same city with us 10 mins away from our problem is my hausband cares too much about his family specially his sisters though they r married and all his focus and concentration is on them.. More

  • She can not accept her husband's apology for leaving her for months

    Salam I have written before ,my husband had left me with all the bills and left the country, I was advised two choices to leave him or to wait for him I waited now he is back but Im not sure for how long Ive asked he said he needs a sign, I have thought long and hard about why he did what he did and I have admitted there are some problems (not any.. More

  • Her husband mocks her and tortures her mentally

    my question is that my husband has a torturing behavior towards me. i m passing through the roughest time i.e., 9th month of my pregnancy. he takes fun in saying bad about my brother, sisters and family, i feel that he is complexed. moreover, he has also started doubting at me. i can't bear this as i am already in the boiling water and need him in this.. More

  • She hates her husband who raped her in the past

    Assalamualaikum dear brother. There is a relative of mine who was in love with somebody but her parents did not get her married to him.They got her married to a cousin of hers. What the family members dint know was that this cousin of hers had abused her constantly in her past and has raped her too at one instant. She did not divulge these details.. More

  • How to deal with an abusive, neglectful and deceptive husband

    Asalamalaykum, I am married to a religious man since 15 years, have 2 boys and 1 girl, my husband prays, fasts, and is famous for his writing skills, islamic political issues. Here is the issue, First, he hide the fact that he had an earlier marriage, he disclosed this on our First Night, I felt cheated, but due to social stigma, I kept quite and accepted.. More

  • Said to his wife 'If you meet your mother you will have divorce 3 times'

    As Salam O Alaikum i am in problem of devorce, i told my wife ( Actualy i dont want to say and not my niyaa her my mother forced me to say, otherwise i have to leave my mother this what my mother said to me) if you meet with your mother you wil have devorce 3 times at once.sir it is not my intension to give her devorce even that the word devorce was.. More

  • Her husband pawned her jewelry without her knowledge

    I am writing on behalf of my muslim friend who really wants to lead a pious life. Due to financial problems her husband has taken her jewelleries and pawned without her knowledge. When she got to know she had confronted him and over her anger she had hit him on his hand, which she regrets. Husband is religious in every way other than in the financial.. More

  • Due to extreme anger, he could not complete the sentence of divorce

    During my family conflict with my sister in the absence of my wife I said to my sister "I divorce her" but what I wanted to say to my sister is that "I divorce her then will all your problems be solved?" but due to extreme angerness my breathing was out of control and failed to complete the whole sentence.But I repeated again and said"Well,I divorce.. More

  • A drunken husband divorcing his wife via SMS

    assalamallaikum I have three children and love my husband too much though he has bad habits. My husband while drunk sent me on sms "Anti Taliq forever" . He was drunk at that time . This is the third time . But he insists that he had put the condition that if I travelled on a particular date. But I didn't receive this condition. Neither did he tell.. More

  • Waiting period and rights of a pregnant wife after Khul`

    As Salaamu Alaykum please help me for I am in need of a correct answer. I was married for a year and half i pronounced kula only to find out i was pregant two days later. When i told my ex he said that he would remarry me, but he didnt. He told me that he does not have to do anything for this baby until it is born. Can you please tell me if i have.. More

  • Her husband abuses her emotionally

    Assalamu -aliakum .iam a very emotional person .MY husband at times emotionally abuse me shouts at me of no particular reason .like if i say no for sex that is very rare he gets angry and if i talk to him about the problems iam having with him He makes fun of them later on or might angry and shouts at me after this he doesnt want me to cry and be nice.. More

  • Thinks that Allaah did not answer his supplication for a pious woman

    Dear Sir, Asalamualikum. I am writing you from Bangladesh. I am a lawyer in profesion. I am in big problem regarding conjugal life. I got married on the 14th January 2009. Before getting married I had Istekhara done by two persons. Results were positive in both istekhara according to the persons who had it done. I did not do any istekhara by myself... More

  • Confused about the number of divorces he had

    my question to you is that accepting a talaaq under false prediction does it count?according to my incidents below is it three talaqh's or two? The incidents that happened are as follows: 1 - We had an argument, I told her that we needed time away and that she should go to her parent’s house. My intension was not to Talaqh her and I did not utter.. More