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assalamu alaikum. To be frank i was searching the net for long to find an answer. My question is that i have a FETISM ( sexual attraction at certain objects.also considered as a sexual disorder). as i'm an unmarried male age 25. No sex before. but i have the fetism at little boys feet(IS common in internet"boy feet fetism"). I feel so much satisfied.. More
my husband has sexually assaulted our daughter of 14 years old. She says he came in her bedroom, lied down behind her, undress her undergarment and put his private part from behind to front. she is not sure if it was entered or not. he left it there a while and then went away. I have thrown him out the day if found out. He denies it but.. More
Assalamu alaikum, May Allah continue to bless and increase you in knowledge for your good works. I am a black African living in a Muslim country in south-east Asia with my husband on professional contract. I love Ramadhan and i never missed Taraweeh prayers until i came here. The issue is that, whenever i go to the mosque during Ramadhan i feel.. More
A girl was child sex abused when she was 3rd or 4th grade. Her uncle asked her to remove her clothes, just made her slept on his body for 2 times. Her uncle just asked her mom to take the girl along with him to his home,her mom sent thinking granny will be there, as she use to go granny place. As soon as this happened, her mom came in search of.. More
Is wine permissible in Christianity? I would like you to support your answer with quotes from the Gospel in both cases... More
Assalaamu Alaikum My mother has been married to my father for 20 years and during these years, my father hardly took up a job. He wants to do business and had tried so many times and has failed for some reason. My mother has brought me and my younger brother up. My father never took responsibility of finances or education of his family upon himself... More
dear brother the situation of the family has become very complicated, it is difficult to take a decision regarding how the property should be distributed. however to make the problem easy let me put it in a few questions: the property is still not divided, it has to go to five children. two sons and three daughters. 1. one brother died by accident.. More
Aslaam o Allaikum Sheikh, let me describe the situation first. One husband is very abusive, he alway torures his wife physically & mentally (beating wife very severly that even sometimes the wife gets bone fractures) and very often he didn't give his wife anything to eat for days. this is the matter from last 15 years. Now the wife has decided.. More
A 14 yr old girl has accused her father of sexually abuse since the age of 9 and also of rape. The mother of the girl says the father has admitted the abuse but not the rape. The father is now flatly denying that anything happened and says the mother has misunderstood what he said. The girl is still adamant that it all took place and by the way the.. More
is drinking even one sip of alcohal haram, with the intent of trying only once. .. More
What is the ruling on befriending a young man who has not yet grown a beard, or a man from the so-called “third sex”?.. More
Salaam I have recently found out that my brother in law is Gay and he has comfirmed this with my wife. Because my wife and myself both work we usually leave our 1 year son with my brother inlaw. But after finding out i am not wanting this to be. My wife loves her family and is blinded on the effect that this could be on our son (directly or indirectly).. More
There is a family whose members have not managed to find work. Please advise. .. More
Asalamualikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatu, My question is regarding my friend @ age 14 her brother who was 26 yrs old started acting wierd with her. He started to touch her in wrong places forcefully and kept on bothering her. she out of fear didnt tell anybody. He kept on telling her it was ok in Islam even though he was married with one baby. Now.. More
my husband is gay and i have a 3 years old daughter. I am totally dependent on my husband for living. I live in Canada and do not know what to do. He goes to gay clubs every week. I asked a lawyer about the legality of my divorce and she mentioned most probably he can take my daughter from me because I can't provide her with a decent living. I must.. More
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