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As Salaamo 'alaykom wa rahma tuAllah wa barakatoh dear sheykh. Bismillah, I am concerned about the state of a brother and have a question regarding him. Ibn Al Qayyim (rahimahullah) stated in Al-Jawaab al-Kaaf that "If a person becomes worthless in the sight of Allaah, He afflicts him with the love of beardless youths." I have a brother who only has.. More
My in-laws are going through a talaq my mother inlaw walked out of her house she shared with her husband last year September and moved in with her eldest son, this son always wanted to own the mother, 2 years ago the mother spoke ill about this son and his wife to the other siblings and caused friction amongst the other children but now she is living.. More
If a sister is being beaten and physically abused by her brother and no one in the family or society does anything to stop it and she cannot approach the local police, authorities or scholars, what should she do? Fight back and get beaten more or try to remain patient and what would help her keep her sanity? .. More
Assalaamu Alaikum Waraghmatallahi Wabarakaatuh Where to start, ......a few years ago my sister in-law separated leaving her with 2 girls (ages today 9yrs and 5yrs). Two years ago she moved in with miss x (lady – not Muslim). The kids have their own room and beds but mom shares her bed with miss x. She and miss x visits my in laws on a regular basis... More
i have a 12 years old daughter who was abused by her 23 years old brother. a child was conceived and who is 2 months old now. their father doesnt know until now and i am planning to give the baby for adoption to my brother.i cant tell their father for fearing that he will not be able to accept it. i dont know what to do with my son. i feel he had regret.. More
Assalaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. What the children are allowed to do in the case of domestic violence? For example if the father would have a habit of beating his children (for no reason) so hard that sometimes he breaks their bones or makes them bleed? Are the children allowed to take the case to the authorities? Or move to live somewhere.. More
Respected Sheikh, I am a man in my late sixties and recently discovered that my 33 year old wife has regular incestuous relations with my 17 years old son. When I confronted them they denied it, but one day I came home unexpectedly and found them in the act. They repented and promised not to do it again. I am devastated and don’t know what to do... More
what is the fatwa regarding a child conceive by incestuous relation? a 12 year old girl was sexually molested by her brother who is 13 years old and a child is conceive because of that what should be done to the child and what should be done to the boy since he forced his sister doing that. the baby is now 7 1/2 months. is it halal to terminate it... More
my family (my parents and my brother) are racist and always think little about my husband who is from another culture (eventhough he is a Muslim also). They didn't stop me when I married him, they agreed with the marriage and everything. But ever since after the marriage, they show so much racism and they put him down. My husband is a great husband.. More
Assalamu alaikum. I am writing this for a desperate father whose daughter got married a guy (homosexual) without knowing . During a counselor session he disclosed that he is a guy. Now the father wants to get divorced from him but she says she wants him and she will adjust her life with him. My question is if the father let her to continue with him.. More
Asalamu aleykum. An awkward situation happened where a brother smoked some weed with another brother not knowing he had heart problems. He did not force him or anything it was of his own will. Unfortunately he passed away the same night because of the weed he smoked for the first time. Is the brother in any wrong? Jzk.
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Assalaamu alikum wr wb, Three months ago, our daughter moved back home with us from her (my husband's brother) uncle and Aunty's house , a few weeks later we found out that in the past four years she and her uncle were married secretly, on the grounds that her father is not really her father - she stating that she has done DNA test between her and her.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. I need some guidance and advices in sexual abuse by a family member. My husband's maternal uncle tried to sexually abuse me (like trying to hug me, kiss on my cheek, trying to touch me in inappropriate places). When he touched me first I didn't mind it as he is my husband's maternal uncle and he is a mahram to me. But after this went.. More
Dear Sir, If a person have sex with animal, what is hukam of this kind Zina and what is punishment of this kind zina?
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Asalamu Alikum wa Ramatullah wa Barakatu, I am involved in the Muslim Student Association at my school. There is a rumor going around that the leader of it is gay. I personally have some suspicions that he might be homosexual and my friend told me that he was at a party and he saw the man having gay intercorse with another man. How should Muslims.. More
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