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599 fatwas

  • Animal extract as medicine

    Some people use animal extract as medicine like they take out deer antler from live deer and use it as medicine similarly insulin from cow etc., is this allowed in Islam to use such medicine... More

  • Regrets having an abortion

    I want to know what is the ruling for a woman who is five months pregnant and then takes the child out of her stomach because she is told by her doctor which is American that her baby will come out with a mental problem and will live up to 3 days only and also told her that she has to take this baby out no matter what. And also her husband told.. More

  • Deciding who gets to use the life support machine

    If there is a critical patient in a hospital, hooked on a life supporting machine, and the doctors said his chances of living are very slim. At the same time another patient is checked in and is also in need of the same machine (it happens to be the only one). This patient has a bigger chance of surviving according to the doctors. Is it permissible.. More

  • Aborting fetus with lethal gene

    My wife and I recently had two children who died right after birth due to a rare lethal recessive gene disorder. There is no cure and no chance for survival. If we were able to test for this gene while still inside the womb, would it be Halal to abort the pregnancy if the fetus had the lethal gene?.. More

  • Using anabolic steroids to gain weight

    Is taking steroids Haraam? I am very lean. From a long time I am underweight and no amount of food would fix it. I am 20 now. My weight is 32 kg it is decreasing. I have tried many medicines but in vain. Someone suggested me the use of anabolic steroid. I wanted to know if taking steroids is Haraam. .. More

  • Male doctors treating females

    I have a question regarding some Muslim doctors and their medical specializations. I have read the rulings of Shaykh Bin Baz and other scholars regarding male doctors treating female patients and vice versa and Al-Hamdu Lillaah, I have understood these rulings. However, my question is regarding those Muslim male doctors who knowingly and intentionally.. More

  • Keeping a skeleton in the room of a medical student

    I am a medical student. Is it permissible to keep a bone set in my room? Or should I place it in a cupboard?.. More

  • Troubled by past sexual experiences

    I am praying to become a good Muslim. This is to much for me, I do not want to tell my husband, because I love him, I am suffering because I done mistake. Before marriage I was rape after marriage I had affairs. Now the problem, I think I've got evil sprit, I came out from quite a lot, but still suffering, it started last 4 months ago;.. More

  • Fixing one's broken tooth

    I broke off the bottom corner of my front tooth while eating. Is it Haraam to have my front teeth filed down for cosmetic purposes so that my teeth are even looking, or is it only acceptable to "glue" on a piece of fake tooth to repair the damage?.. More

  • Permissible dental care

    Are dental braces Halaal if they are intended to bring teeth to their natural position? What about dentures and implanted teeth? Are they Halaal?.. More

  • Surrogate parenthood

    My name is Ibraaheem, I am 31 years old and my wife is 46 years old, we are thinking to have a baby, for some medical problems my wife cannot get pregnant naturally, and we were offered by a female friend of us that she would carry the fertilized egg from us into her body that is to give us a chance to have our baby, meaning the doctor will.. More

  • Medical screening and divination

    Is blood screening or x-ray at medical laboratory for disease observation is the same as doing divination? I.e. look into the divining board. .. More

  • Wants to enlarge his penis

    I have a small penis (04 cm) and I have 25 years the question is: if it must to be making the surgical operation for to beenlargeor not... More

  • Has many physical and mental problems

    I need a Du'aa because I scare a lot of from people, I cannot go out I have my 3 children I prefer to be all the time alone and I hate all the people expert Al-Saliheen, I have the headache and I feel some thing more on my head and my body, I cannot talk to people, I dislike the school for my children, I prefer for them to stay at home, I am afraid.. More

  • Wants to quit smoking

    I am a recent convert/revert to Islam, I had left my non Muslim husband for Islam and I'm trying to correct all mistakes I made in life, I have one bad habit I am trying to rid myself of and that's smoking are there any Du'aa for this affliction? I have smoked since I was 13 and am now 30 so it is very hard. .. More