In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful. My wife and I have been going through infertility treatment. Currently, my wife has been treated with a drug that stimulates the production of multiple eggs. My semen will be injected inside her uterus to allow for pregnancy to take place, Insha Allah. This procedure results in multiple pregnancies.. More
My wife recently had an X-ray. After that, she discovered that she is pregnant. Some of the doctors said that she must abort the fetus because there is a risk that he will have serious problems like to be mentally or physically handicapped. And the others said that she must not do so, because if there was any problem, he would have already died. We.. More
What was the Islamic rules about effeminate man behaving like a woman who is having an operation to remove his male vital part and form it like a female part. He even form the woman breast. Now his body physically look like a woman. Also about his Aurah, his marriage to the man .his mixed with another woman and about his repentance. What I tell you.. More
I am a doctor and want to know if the use of sedatives and hypnotics (sleeping pills) are allowed in Islam. it does not come under the ruling of Al Khamer... More
I have read some Ahadith in 'Sahih Muslim' about the prohibition of alcohol consumption, and it is also explained that it should not be used in or as a medicine. Can Muslims use a mouthwash (which is not consumed) which contains a lot of alcohol? If not, is there any other Halal alternative? Also can a Muslim use perfumes containing alcohol?
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Following results have been concluded by our doctor after my wife's leproscopy procedure.
1. She has torturous tubes result delay in egg reaching the uterus, resulting delay in reaching sperms to the egg.
2. There is a possibility for her to conceive but chances are it might be ecopotic pregnancy resulting an operation for tubes removal.
3... More
Since I became religious my (shyness) has increased very much, I and my face becomes red and sweaty whenever I join the lectures or friends' I want to have surgical operation to get rid of it so, is it ok or if you have any recomendation?.. More
Is it permissable to donate unused embryos during infertility treatments to be used in Embryonic stem cell research? These procedures are to cure diseas such as alzheimers and parkinsons, as well as aid in the cure of damaged spinal cords. Would the use of embryonic stem cells be permissable? Would it be permissable to donate unused embryos?2-.. More
Could you provide me with feedback and insight on the following website, and its conspiracy theories, Free Masons, New World Order, etc.? Is it ok to read such and will that affect our deen and Islamic line of thought? I don't wish to corrupt my Islamic line of thought and belief and hence ask for advice. .. More
What is the Islamic view on preimplantation genetic diagnosis during invetro fertilisation? Can we destroy embryos carrying genes for diseases and thus avoid transfer of such embryos to the uterus of the patient?.. More
What is the Islamic opinion about Organ Transplantation using ANIMAL ORGANS? (Pig kidnies and livers will be used in near future in western world).
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