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Could you please explain the ruling on drawing of faces of human or any face, and the ruling on if it is Haraam or Halaal to send smiley faces through instant messenger? .. More
Is a Muslim allowed to go to the gym for fitness improvement, where there are very provocative females around, can music listened to? There is always music in the gym. .. More
A friend of mine is now a Muslim and is a professional photographer? Can you tell something about it?.. More
I have a photo shop, which means that I process and print pictures of people. What is the point of view of Islam about this subject, knowing that I have this business in America?.. More
1) I do have ladies dress shop to make an advertisement I have dressed and hang up well-structured toys in my shop, the toys has a face, so according to my religion is it permitted to hung up a toys?
2) I want to learn film editing. So is it permitted in Islam that to work film editing of wedding and other ceremonies?
3) My grandmother is over.. More
I am worried about Muslim girls sport activities at schools. Especially swimming, which is obligation to know. For example, there are so many Muslim women unable to swim, because they do not know how and cause of this not able to save they drowning children in the water. So - I have a question now, does Islam tolerate this. In the schools are these.. More
I have a question regarding taking photos and making videos of living creatures. I want to know is this lawful according to Qur'an and Sunnah to take photos and make videos of one's family and keep them as a memory and enjoy watching good events captured by these means... More
I know that drawing /painting/ people are animals is a Haraam. What about calligraphy which sometimes draws animals /Arabic letters in the form of an animal/and taking pictures with a camera, is it Haraam?.. More
What does Islam say regarding playing dangerous games in some parks? What does it also say about skydiving? Some people play games that are very high and scary just for fun. They also jump from airplanes using parachutes for fun too. Can a Muslim look to jumping from airplane using parachute as training and making his heart stronger. .. More
I am an American convert to Islam before I took Shahaadah I was a cartoonist. After I took my Shahaadah I stopped drawing because I saw it as Haraam. After a lapse of 8 years I have had a stroke paralyzing my left side, and drawing children's books is my only way to make a living for I have no other skills.
I only draw books for children, and.. More
I am 18-years, and my wedding is in another 2 days, and my Khatheeb already booked everything up, even the music, and I don't know what to do, I am trying not to listen to music, but it is very hard, please tell me what to do, and is it ok for me to listen and dance and have fun, well it is my wedding, but what will we dance on? Please help.. More
I have been asked to make a carpet with the picture of (last supper) which painted by Davici I. As you know it's the best picture. I'm fearing that to draw the picture of animals and human being is bad so can I do this or not? Ok that is all what I want to ask... More
Why it is that Islam says that it's wrong to have pictures of animate things, yet Islamic nations have pictures if people and they also have TV?.. More
I work for a charitable organization. I have to report to my directors in order to help the needy. It is allowed for me take photographs of the needy in order to submit them to my directors to help them. .. More
There are some new network gaming shops being opened, where there are lots of computers, and in the computers they offer children to play many different games.They charges you per hour to play the games. I wanted to ask if this sort of playing is gambling or not? .. More
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