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According to Hadith we cannot draw pictures of living beings. But today we know that plants have also life and latest studies say that plants can also feel pain. The Hadith which forbids pictures mentions living beings with souls. Is that why we are allowed to draw sceneries as plants do not have souls though they have life? We cannot draw animals.. More
During our wedding my husband and I took pictures to send to his mother back home in Yemen. Is it Haram that we took pictures, and the pictures were only for his mother, no one else?.. More
Is dancing approved, for example, during a wedding so as to enjoy oneself?
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I would like to know the punishment in the grave (hereafter) for dancingto music... More
Angels do not enter a house where there are images of people or any other living creatures. Is this ruling applicable only for pictures that are exposed or does this also imply to pictures that are not kept open, i.e. for pictures in our school books (in their closed state)?.. More
I have some question on photos. I read some of your fatawa on photography and want to make something clear. I know that it is forbidden to hang photos, to take photos, but is okay to take photos of mosques, nature such as trees, lakes etc.? I have photos of myself alone and some photos of family members before my reversion to Islam,
Alhamdulillah.. More
Ihave a toy dog that looks like a real dog. Is it Halal to keep it at home or not? It is only a toy.
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Is there any evidence that urges people to give more interest to sports?.. More
Please I need to know whether a Muslim can make a scarecrow since it has the figure of a human being... More
What is the ruling about establishing an animated cartoon TV business which contains drawings of living objects?.. More
I have used your services before and I can't thank you enough, and Al-Hamdu Lillah, they have been very beneficial. Today I want to ask the ruling of taking photos of family and friends and putting them in an album, is it Haram? I heard that angels wont come into a room where there is a photo hanging is it true? If the album is in a drawer is it still.. More
I have a mobile phone I want to put a ring-tone, but it is music ring-tone. Is it Haram?.. More
If our home have our image photograph hanged on the wall it seems angels will not enter the house and all our prayers in the house will not be carried up by angels to Allah. Is this true? Please explain... More
Are there any accounts of torch bearing for sporting events in the Islamic history? Is it a sin for a Muslim if she or he is involved in carrying the torch in a sports event? What is the viewof the Qur'an and Sunnah and also the Islamic scholars regarding the torch procession in a sports event?.. More
What is the Fatwa on playing musical instruments which have strings such as guitar, violin, sittar and so on. Could you please explain to me what type of music is allowed in Islam?
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