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Are singing and music allowed in Islam. i have come through one hadith which i am quoting it down : From Bukhari Volume 2, Book 15, Number 70: Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before.. More
Salaam aleykoum,
i wanted to knowif it permissible to have a few women sing anasheed with duffs on my weddingday, regarding the fact that they ask money for it? I hear a lot of answers about this and I really want to know now. thank you very much.
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Is it haram to play computer games where you kill bad guys?.. More
A while ago I convinced my mom to buy us a play station (Video game console), and she bought it because I wanted it. But recently my brother has been playing games on it, but these games are violent and may not be appropriate for Islam and he doesn't listen to me. Do I get his wear every time he plays or his friends play, because I bought it, even though.. More
Is it permissable to play board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble? In Monopoly the goal is to make your opponent bankrupt and I was wondering if this was non Islamic?.. More
I would like to know if it is permissible for a girl like me at the age of 14 to play with her little sister with dolls, but praying when athan is called and after she has done all her islamic duties. and please also tell me if it is permissible to play with dolls such as barbie or any other, and what was the age of Aisha (ra) when she played with dolls?.. More
My wife's passport expired, now I have to go for new passport. I reached to the embassy with old passport and required photograph with hezab, by keeping only the face open. But embassy asked to provide picture that ear can be shown. Then again I took photograph by covering head and ear can see but not so clear. This time also embassy not happy. They.. More
I would like to know what the Hadeeth say about taking pictures, and about keeping them displayed on cell phones... More
I am trying to not to take photograph as a matter of restriction in Islam. As the photography is prohibited in Islam. There is girl search for me in India, because I am working in Saudi Arabia, my home people asking me to send my latest Photograph. Is that permitted for me to take a snap in style and send it? Another question is I am working in the.. More
Is it permissible to send the picture of a young girl when she was at a crawling age through the messenger to a marriageable person?.. More
Is it permissible to view old family video tapes which contained women who were not covered with Hijaab at that time? .. More
I want to know why Muslims are not allowed to play backgammon... More
My question is in Islam is drum Haraam to use e.g. to use in Nasheedah, weddings, etc. And if not can you tell me a Hadeeth that says Drum is not Haraam please... More
I live in the United States. I know an American Muslim at the place that I work at. He converted to Islam more than a year ago, Al-Hamdulillaah. But I noticed that in his office he has the picture of his non-Muslim wife. Other people who come to his office are able to see the picture of his wife. What is the Islamic ruling in regards to this?.. More
I have heard that play or listen to music is Haraam and sin I don't understand why Allaah gave me the gift to play a string instrument if I am not to I always said it was a gift from Allaah. I always wanted to make songs to praise God so can I do even if on string instruments? I play piano and it has strings I also play electric piano it has.. More
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