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3194 fatwas

  • Donating money that may be mixed with Haram to his son

    My father has been investing in the stock market for a few years now. Even though he only invests in companies with legitimate businesses Islamicly, recently he learned that investment in some companies that deal with Riba banks is not permitted. To purify his money, he decided to donate all the profit he made. The question is: can this.. More

  • Permitting credit card use in his business

    Is it permissible for me to set up an Internet business where customers are allowed to purchase with credit cards, permissible checks, etc.? Is it permissiblefor customers to use credit cards to pay for their purchases?.. More

  • Bank certificates used for drawings

    Here in Qatar Mashriq Bank (the headquarter is in U.A.E) issues certificates each worth 1000Qatari Riyals and at the time of purchasing of these certificates they charge 25QR as their application processing charge irrespective of the number of the certificates purchased (i.e. forone orone thousand certificatesthe cost is 25 QR only). Monthly.. More

  • Working where alcohol or pork is sold

    Assalamu Alaikum!I work in a restaurant in the kitchen, but the restaurant serves alcoholic beverages and has belly dancers. Should I remain working in this restaurant? Also, if I work in another restaurant they might not have liquor but have pork? Should I work there?.. More

  • He believes that interest is lawful

    I am writing regarding bank interests in regular banks. I have read a lot regarding various fatawa issued by credible scholars in the Islamic world. Some of them allow these interest (halal) and some other prohibit (haram) such dealing. I am bouncing between the two. I am personally convinced that it is not haram. My conviction become stronger when.. More

  • Dealing in interest (Riba) in enemy lands

    What is the consensus of the four schools of thought about dealing in interest (Riba) in enemy lands (Dar al-Harb)?.. More

  • Why is Riba Haram?

    Why is Riba Haram? .. More

  • Why Riba is forbidden

    I want to know why "Riba" taking interest from bank is Haram. Please tell me the process of this; I need to know why... More

  • Resolving his brother's indebtedness to him

    What should a Muslim do if he is in debt when his brother owes him money and not able to pay him back? Can I forgive my brother what he owes me (few thousand dollars), because he is just not able to pay me? He has the intention to do so but every time he gets some money it all goes to his own credit card debts, or to his high standard of living,.. More

  • Lost and found sales

    Is it lawful (Halal) to buy items from lost and found sales? I am a student at the University of Oregon. Items found in the borders of the school and are kept for some time so that people can come and claim them. When these items are not claimed after a certain time they are sold at low prices. Is it lawful to buy them? Is a certain waiting.. More

  • Buying a car through "trade in" transaction

    I would like to know if the so-called "trade in" transaction is Halal? I have an old car, and would like to by a new one.Can I go to a car dealerwhere he will evaluate the price of my old car and deduct it from the price of the car he is selling me? I was told it is Haram to do that? Please advice me regarding this matter,citing from Sunnah.. More

  • Dealing in money schemes

    There is this scheme here in UK known as circle of success. It does not involve any official body controlling it. But it's among people. Everyone who joins in has to pay 3000 pounds and has to bring 2 other people who pay 3000 pounds and each of these 2 people bring 2 more people with them who pay another 3000 each. As this thing goes on and.. More

  • Distribution of property in life or death

    I bought a house in 1998in Karachi in my wife's name. I have one son and three daughters. As per Islamic and Qur'anic laws,Iwould like toknow how the cost of the house is to be distributed: (1)while mywifeand I arealive, and(2) after death of either myself or mywife, or both... More

  • Writing a will and inheritance for family members

    I am married and I have two boys and two girls in addition to my mother, ‎my father, sisters from my father side and a brother from my father and mother. Howshould I write my Will and the inheritance for these family members if they have any part ‎of my inheritance? .. More

  • Work Includes Filling Shelves with Pork

    I work in a supermarket to fill the shelves with all kind of foods including alcohol and pork for a monthly salary. Is this money Haram? This money is mixed with another money which I get by working in a (Non-Muslim) cleaning company. Are both earnings Haram or is the last one Haram? This mixed money has been put into a saving bank account and most.. More