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3194 fatwas

  • Working for a company that deals in Riba

    I would like to ask you about a person who became a director of a company that is basing its projects on taking loans from banks. This new director found the company in that situation so what must he do? Quit the company? And what is the ruling if he can't leave the work or doesn't want to do so? I would also ask you about when you work in a public.. More

  • Financial dealing with one whose wealth is a mixture of Halal and Haram

    If I tutor the son of banker, English lessons, is it Halal to take the money he pays me for the tutoring? I don't know where all his money comes from, but I know that he is a bank director, so his money, (I suppose) is Riba! Please guide me may Allah guide you!.. More

  • What to Do with Social Benefits and Allowances

    In many parts of the world, people receive social benefits. These benefits can be for various purposes. Some are old age, disability allowance, unemployment benefit, student allowance, etc. Should we Muslims consider these allowances as Zakah? Is one allowed to go for Hajj, Umrah, etc. with this money? Is one allowed to give donations out of this money?.. More

  • The price of forbidden things is forbidden

    Even though play station is Haram, are we allowed to sell it and not use the money but put it in Sadaqa?.. More

  • Blessed loans

    I would like to know the Islamic teachings on taking loan for starting a business, in which the total required amount is taken as loan. (Of course the loan will be from either friends, relatives or from Islamic financial institutions). I have heard in some Islamic lecture that, if someone is starting a business or such with the total amount as loan.. More

  • Insuring a Mosque

    Are we allowed to insure mosques? I live in Australia and it takes so much effort to have one constructed. Our mosque is worth 2 million dollars just completed. .. More

  • Helping in mortgage payments

    My main concern is that mortgage payments contain (Riba) interest, I wanted to know if it is ok for me to pay for my brother's mortgage for his house from the money provided by him, also keeping in mind that I don't live in that house. Please let me know if I am incurring any sin?.. More

  • Murabaha transaction

    I am buying a big bus and the seller will finance it to me with 9% interest which is Halal and called "Bae al-Nassea" (sale on credit) now a Muslim brother said that he can buy the same bus and sell it to me with the same interest value so he can use his money instead of leaving it in the bank getting eaten by zakat. The problem is that for him to buy.. More

  • Working in a Place That Sells Alcohol Along with Lawful Things

    Salamalekium, I have two question, first one is that, is it permissible to work in store where there is alcohol candy and bread. And the other question is that I am married and currently I am in the US my wife cannot come here yet, but is it permissible to stay away from ones wife for a long time .. More

  • Renting a place to someone to process pork

    Is it Halal to rent a place on my land to someone to use to process pork packing?.. More

  • Different views about Riba

    I would like to know the reason for the different views concerning Riba in order to get a house. Some Ulamah allow Riba as Qaradhawi , and others forbid it. .. More

  • Loans in the business world

    Nowadays all companies work by taking loans from banks. We find that the whole economic structure is based on taking forbidden loans. So, how can we deal with that problem? If for example, if the boss asks us to take a loan for the company, what should we do? Are we obliged or is it forbidden by religion? I would like to have a detailed answer about.. More

  • Questions About Inheritance

    I am a fifth year student at the University of Asmara. This year I have to prepare a senior paper of any topic in order to fulfill the requirement of the degree program. For that reason, I have chosen to prepare a senior paper in the field of Islamic Law and my paper is titled as 'Inheritance in Islamic Law'. To do this I will need your advice and assistance.. More

  • Car loans by Algerian bank

    Are the loans on cars purchase bestowed by the bank "Baraka Algeria" is compliant with Islamic Sharia?.. More

  • Working in an Islamic bank

    I'm going to work in a new Islamic bank what is your opinion about that?.. More