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3194 fatwas

  • Doubtful Will of Muslim Husband in European Country

    A woman got married to a man who is older than her by 20 years. He did not inform her about infertility problems he had before marriage. She assisted him in buying a home in a European country, where they live. She recently found a will he wrote before admission to hospital for prostate operation. He is giving land he owns to his sister, pension payments.. More

  • Avoiding Taxes and Hiding Profits from Non-Muslim Government

    How can we make business in a non-Muslim country if after paying to all taxes for this country we lose all business (for ex. somebody is trying to sell Halal-meat, but if he pays all taxes he will lose his business, and weak Muslims will still buy Haram-meat? Can Muslims make their business not official (under law) or to hide profits from the government? .. More

  • Working for a tobacco company temporarily

    I will leave my country to join my wife in another country. After a wait of 4 months. During this time I received a very good job offer from a tobacco company. If I take the job, I will work for 4 months then I will move to join my wife. I also received another offer from an Arabic industrial company, but I don't want to join them and leave them after.. More

  • Receiving money from companies for prescribing their devices

    I am a doctor. Part of my job is to prescribe medical devices to patients. The companies that sell these devices offer me some money to prescribe their own products. Is this money Halal, considering that I do not prescribe except the devices that benefit the patients and the companies do not increase the price of the device beyond its regular one?.. More

  • Riding in car purchased with Riba

    Can I drive my friend's car or let him pick me up, if I knew that he bought his car with interest (Riba)?.. More

  • Disposing of a house among its inheritors

    We are 7 brothers and sisters who have inherited a house that we want to keep but 2 of my brothers do not want to and we plan to give them their share with out selling the house. The house is valued by real state specialists to be 700,000 SR, and our 2 brothers brought a buyer for the house for 800,000 SR. Question: Shall we give them their shares based.. More

  • Giving Interest Money to a Friend to Clear His Debt

    A friend has interest money in his bank account. He has a friend who is suffering from debts, so can my friend clear his friend's debt with this interest money? .. More

  • Receiving alcoholic drink as a gift

    Is receiving an alcoholic beverage as a gift from a friend considered an offense? This friend doesn't know that Muslims don't drink wine... More

  • Credit card transactions

    What is the Islamic stand about credit cards intended to be used for business in no interest transactions. However, when no cash is available, interest will be charged to the account. This might happen with any delayed payment of utility, installments and other bills... More

  • Bank Loan to Buy a House

    I work in a bank and I can get a loan for a house at a preferential rate. In my country there is no Islamic bank. I want to be independent and I do not want to be near my brothers and their families. Can I take the loan? .. More

  • Delivery business in local restaurants in the US

    Is dinner delivery business in local restaurants in the United States, that does not include: wine, beer, and pork, Halal or Haram?.. More

  • Going into Business with a Non-Muslim

    Is it possible to open a new business store with a non-Muslim? .. More

  • Playing Lottery in Islam

    Is playing lottery forbidden in Islam? .. More

  • A deal with someone who intends not to repay his credit

    I bought a product from a person. Who used a credit card to buy this product but his intention was to use credit card and not to repay their money. So I bought the product from this person and I know that he will not return the money to credit company. Will my deal be Halal?.. More

  • Paying a gratuity

    If someone invited a special Madhuon (the man who does the marriage contract), should the groom give money to the man who helped bring the Madhuon? Is this a type bribery (Rashwa) or no? What is the ruling on giving money for business like (Samsara: the middle man) e.g. I get a customer for person A to buy his property and gives me a 5-10 percent.. More