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3194 fatwas

  • Dividing share of inheritance that grandmother gave up

    Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My grandmother refused to take her share of the inheritance when we (I, my sister, and two brothers) sold our deceased mother's house. Are we allowed to accept her share as a gift between myself and my siblings? We already calculated her share, which is supposed to be 16.67%, which comes to $83,000... More

  • Approving licenses for places where sins are committed

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Transportation Engineer for a Canadian city. Applications are submitted to a big group, say Zoning Bylaw Review, and they circulate the application to various sections like Transportation, Drainage, Hydro, Water... Given that I am in the Transportation Section, I review the applications from a transportation perspective. For.. More

  • Selling animal blood impermissible

    We recently built a slaughterhouse in Ethiopia. The slaughtering process is halal. One of the by-products is blood. We normally discharge blood from the animals to a waste disposal plant, and procedures for treating blood are expensive, but it must be done. Recently, a buyer from South Asia came to us, and he wants to buy all the blood from the animals... More

  • Teaching in mixed school where girls do not wear hijab

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am an English language teacher. I have both male and female students in my class. Some female students do not wear the hijab while some do wear it. There are also non-Muslim students. I am unable to impose a dress code as the present situation of our country makes it unsafe to create an Islamic environment. Is it permissible for.. More

  • Ownership of business from income of part-time work

    The oldest brother in a family does his daily work and spends his whole income on the family. He also did some part-time work during the evening hours and established a small business from what he made doing the part-time work, without any help from the family. Now the question is about this part-time business; whose business is it, the oldest brother's.. More

  • Striving to get rid of usurious loan

    Assalaamu alaykum, Sir. I have a problem. For the last four years of my engineering course expenses, we have dealt with a bank for an educational loan. I was not completely aware of what Islam says regarding interest. I only knew that it is haram for the one who takes it, but maybe not for the one giving it. We only took a loan of Rs.40,000 forone semester,an.. More

  • Downloading PDF files that might be copyrighted

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. Please do not direct me to other fatwas since the question is unique. I am a university student, so I want to download PDF's so that I may use them to study for my exams. However, given that Islam protects the copyright, I fear that those PDF's are parts of books that have been uploaded, but I am not sure of that. So, Shaykh,.. More

  • Dividing inheritance among husband, deceased son and two daughters

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 1 (A grandson [from the son]) Number 4 (A husband) - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A daughter) Number 2 - Additional information:.. More

  • Jahaalah in free delivery and phone contracts

    Assalaamu alaykum. A bit of ambiguity in business is allowed, like all-you-can-eat buffets, but my phone contract says that I pay one fee and can use as many minutes as I want, is this ok given that I am sure that the network studied the usage and so on. Similarly, with Amazon Prime, I pay one delivery fee and get as many deliveries for free as I.. More

  • Father gave children unequal gifts long before passing away

    I am a 37-year-old practicing Muslim from India. Praise be to Allaah, I have one brother and three sisters. About 10 years before his death, my father distributed a number of his houses among his children as a gift. The commercial value of each of the houses was different and not equal. My sisters each received a separate independent house. I and my.. More

  • Husband asking wife to give back land he gifted her

    Assalaamu alaykum. My father and mother have not been together since 2005 after my mother found (in 2005) that her husband had married another lady (in 1994) in a foreign country (Kuwait), where he is still staying for his job. Mother has the view that my father had not been just all these years, and she can never forgive him. Hence she cannot stay.. More

  • Ruling on selling designs of posters, fliers and business cards

    What does Islam say about working freelance? Is it haram or halal if I sell a business card/flyer/poster design on the online market, like a graphic of a river, and a client uses this for his haram work/business. Will I be held responsible for that? Please tell me what is haram in freelance work, like, if I make a real estate poster and a person uses.. More

  • Manager accepting gifts from employees at work

    I work as a manager in a company. Some of the employees that work for me are friends outside of work. One of them reached out to me for advice on how to get a raise in the company. I gave him advice from what I have seen happening with other employees. He followed the advice somewhat and received the raise that he wanted. When he received the raise,.. More

  • Studying at institutions that use pirated software

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I want to get training on some computer applications, but most of the computer institutions use pirated software to teach. Is it permissible to take lessons at these institutions? .. More

  • Gift of grandmother to grandchildren

    My grandmother gave her share of land to me and my brothers after she inherited that same share from my father even though she has two other sons and three daughters; this was done upon the request of her older son and with the approval of her other son, and there is no objection from her daughters; and she did that even though my older brother told.. More