As-salaamu 3laikum, In my country they sell a kind of baskets for a baby to sleep in for the first few weeks. They call them 'Moses baskets' because of the mother of Musa 3laihis-salaam putting him in the river in a basket. I'm not sure if it actually was a basket or a box but that is what they say. Anyway I don't want to buy one, I want to buy a cot.. More
In pakistan, there are mainly 02 types of accounts that can be opened in a bank, saving account and current account.In saving accounts, we get riba on our deposits. Where as in current account types, the account holder do not get riba but the money in his account is used by the bank for getting ribaOne of the current account types is the account known.. More
Assalamo aleikumIm planning to open a new shop in sha Allah, and then I have to buy some machines for my shop. And the machines that I want to buy are very expensive ( over 20,000 dollarspr. Machine )The company that I'm planning to buy the machines from offer me that I can buy them trough a leasing company.So i sent an email to the leasing company.. More
Al slam Alykom , I have a question please . I am 20 years and I live with my mother and my step dad and my brother . My step dad works in a liquor store and he pays for the house . My question is , what is the ruling about drinking and eating from this house? . Would it be halal if I pay half of the water bill and drink from the water in the house ... More
I got hired by a law firm. They represent people who have been hurt in car accidents. My job is to bring people to call them for this service. My question is on their phone system they have on-hold music. This music is out of my control nor can I work around it.When someone I referr Calls they might be on-hold and hear the music.Is there sin on me if.. More
As-salamu alaikum,i have questions concerning working in the west. Are following jobs allowed? I think what i will mention is common in european countries and it would be difficult to avoid it.1. If you work for a company and you are a car cleaner and there is a car which has a symbol of a cross or a national flag or the brand name is derived from an.. More
I was planning on starting a business of selling perfumes and perfume related products. However, my customers will be both male and females;Muslims and non-Muslims. If the females wear perfume outside which is discouraged in Islam, will my business be halal or will I be sinning?
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Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,I am a salaried employee and as per the government rules a part of my salary goes to my PF account, and this is compulsory. Every year on 31st March based on the amount in my PF account, some interest (riba) is added. It is not possible for me to remove this interest from my account monthly(in order to clean.. More
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,I am a college student who is almost graduating. I am only going to college because my parents won't allow me to leave. They are paying for my education by taking out a loan in which they will not owe any interest unless they fail to pay it back by a specified time. They want to pay it back on time and avoid.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 6 -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A daughter) Number 2 (A wife) Number 1 - Additional information : Aslam Alykum wa question.. More
asalam we3likoum I have a question about a kind of a business which is for example I am going to look for someone who needs a service for example a person who needs a book covers for his book and he says that he pays 150 dollars for the person that he would do that for him so what I would do I will contact that person and say to him that I can find.. More
In Thailand, there is a serious issue on a kind of selling a set of meals. It is a very serious issue to the extent that one side, who declares this kind of selling and buying to be haraam, uses this issue to declare those who do not agree to be innovator (mubtadi’). The details of this kind of selling a set of meals are as follows: 1. Mr. A announces.. More
Father wants to gift a piece of land to all his legal heirs, grand daughter and a sons wife. To implement the hiba the land is measured and even it is also decided as to which of the sides/approximate location will be taken by each beneficiary. For want of calculations and map preparation etc., the boundaries of the land could not be marked to take.. More
Salamu Alaikum, Is it Haram for a muslim to manufacture and sell wallets? Since they might be used by the buyer to keep their Credit cards and Credit cards are Haram in Islam because constitute dealing in Riba.
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Recently I exchanged my motorola mobile phone with someone's I phone 4. But the problem is that I lied him that my mobile's battery will last more than 1 day and truth is that it's battery timing was very poor. I have downloaded a lot of islamic books in his I phone 4. I want to know that reading those books are haraam because I got this I phone by.. More