Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A full brother) Number 2 (A half brother (from his father)) Number 1 (A half brother (from his mother)) Number 1 -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A mother).. More
Assalam o Alaikum I watch football mainly Real Madrid matches. It is a football club. After watching matches of real madrid for a while now I have developed kind of sixth sense and some kind of football understanding by which I can make a calculated prediction (usually 60-70% right) about what will be the score after the match end i.e 3-1 or 4-0 etc... More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 1 (A father) (A full brother) Number 1 (A half brother (from his father)) Number 1 (A nephew from a full brother) Number 1 (A nephew from a half brother (from his father)) Number.. More
Salam, by the grace of Allah I left a job that I previously had which consisted of selling and making pork and non halal meats. It was very hard since it was my first job and at the time of applying I didn't consider myself a good Muslim. Now, I currently work for a office supplies/computer store in which I work in the computer department by selling.. More
Assalamualaikum Well I want to ask if I run a dropshipping business wherein I display these products on online selling sites provided by third parties where there is a service fee of a certain percentage of the price of the item(s) sold for every transaction, is this kind of thing allowed ? Are there any restrictions or special requirements for this?.. More
There is a website called g2a, it sells games n is used by many famous gamers, i made an account and they say that we can make you a link. they say this to every person that joins their website. when they make me a link, i can send that link to my friends. my friends can open that link and if they wish to buy a game. lets say they buy a game for 30.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A husband) -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A daughter) Number 2 - Additional information : property is a flat, given to deceased by her parents
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Question 1: In our community we celebrate yearly Get-Together event, to host this event we have sponsors for prizes or collect donation amount from selected members and also sell entry tickets (each has unique numbers) to all the attendees (a person can buy any number of tickets).At the end of event there is a lucky draw and few members/attendees get.. More
As-Salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu..., Firstly I would like to thank all of you for your efforts in providing such a noble service for the Muslims, we certainly appreciate it very much. May Allaah ta'aalaa reward you all immensely for your services. To proceed, I understand that one can engage in a business partnership contract, specifically.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A nephew from a full brother) Number 5 -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A full sister) Number 1
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Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters, As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you) In the name of Allah, I praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. I bear witness that there.. More
I have two non-muslim children (from a previous marriage to a non-muslim woman) and one muslim daughter from a second marriage to a muslim woman. I live in the US, and I need to prepare a will, in the event of my death. Can my will include leaving anything (property or cash) in to my two non-muslim children?
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Salaam, I have to post my question again as I was referred to some previous fatwa’s that dont actually answer my particular question. I would really appreciate if I could get an answer that looks at the particular detail in my question as it is not the same as the other Fatwa questions, here is the question again below, Jazak-Allah Khair. As-salaam-alaikum,.. More
Assalamu`Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuhu I have an opportunity to work as an accountant in a company .The Company is a Travel agent and have Real estate properties that are Let out.The company does not borrow any loan to run their business or deal in Riba, but one of the building properties of the company is let out to a Riba based bank.As an accountant.. More
with reference to question 2513547, i want to elaborate contract for hiring of car from bank. (1) bank purchased a car and registered on the name of bank. tracker was installed by bank and takaful is paid by bank also i.e all asset related expenses are paid by bank as car is property of bank. (b) however freight and federal excise duty were paid by.. More