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5673 fatwas

  • Testimony of one woman confirms breastfeeding relationship according to some scholars

    My question is that I have a cousin who I wanted to marry but the problem is that my mother says I was breastfeeded by my cousin's mother. Now when I asked my cousin's mother she refuses and says she didn't breastfeed me. Now in such situation what should be done as girl's side say no milk was taken my boy baby, but boy's mother says milk was given(I.e.. More

  • There is absolutely no racism in Islam

    .How did prophet muhamed viewed black muslims ? black people in general ? .What is your opinions on the following : 1. Mohammed referred to Blacks as "raisin heads". (Sahih al-Bukhari vol. 1, no. 662 and vol. 9, no. 256). 2. In another Hadith, Mohammed is quoted as saying that Blacks are, "pug-nosed slaves". (Sahih Moslem vol. 9, p. 46-47). 3. I heard.. More

  • A wife traveling with her son against the will of her abusive neglectful husband

    My father does not support his family and after resorting to physical violence besides verbal abuse, me and my mother have sought to live separately together against his wishes, to stay away from his harm and for our own safety and well being. However I am left jobless and my mother has no other means to be supported, so we have decided to move away.. More

  • Husband was not aware of wife's mental illness and non-virginity before marriage

    A man signed a marriage contract in September 2012. The wife signed on the contract(but not her guardian, even though her father was present). The wife had a mental illness and was hospitalized before marriage and no one told the husband until she broke down again in December 2013. She stayed at the hospital for more than 70 days. She didn't marry before.. More

  • Asking for Khul‘ because husband practices heretical innovations

    Aslamu alykum warahmtullahi wabarktu. I have been married 2 years now , my husband haven't been with me all that because of papers and passport, he didnt provied for us , he used to send sometimes. So we decided to move together this summer to Muslim country. When we moved here he changed his prayer way from sunnah to Bidah (heretical innovation) beacuse.. More

  • A suitor with these bad qualities will not be a good husband

    Salamualukom I'm 26 years old,a Muslim guy from my country asked for my hand, he has deen & akhlaq but i prayed Istikhra i said yes but then everything went wrong my brother weren't interested to meet him ,my dad swore that if I marry this guy he will never look into my eyes even though he doesn't know him,my family rejected him even before asking.. More

  • In Islam, the husband pays the dowry to the wife, not the other way around

    I have a question related to what is right in islam regarding marriage. My friend(female) got married into a family who have only one son. The whole expense of the marriage was paid by her. She bought the required amount of gold that the expected with her own earnings. She even had land under her name. Within two weeks into her marriage her in-laws.. More

  • Ruling on throwing a baby shower

    Salam Alaykum, I was wondering if celebrating Babyshower is haram? It is a celebration where before the birth of a child where you eat cakes and give gifts for the person who awaits its baby. It is not something like birthday, because people celebrate birthday at a specific time each year, while people only celebrate babyshower when the moment is current... More

  • A wife bringing child from previous marriage into home of new husband

    I married a lady that had divorced and had a boy, during our courtship, she told me she had a boy from previuos marriage, I told her that was not a problem and she assumed I meant taking responsibility of the boy, due to distance, we lived separately initially and she lived with her son, when she moved to my town, she left the boy with her older sister,.. More

  • The definition of Jilbaab

    Assalamu Alaikum, I request you to present a reply to me personally instead of directing me to different fatwas for this curious question of mine, with regard to the 'jilbab'. Is it a particular kind of dress/head covering? Does any dress in any style but which fulfils the requirements of hijab become a 'jilbab'? Please define the 'jilbab' as mentioned.. More

  • Playing sports with homosexuals

    Salam aleykum, I would like to ask a question regarding my situation. I live in the Unites Kingdom.I love playing football an I always play it to have a better health, to be fit,that is my only intentions. I have been for a while with a team of whose majority players are gay..What are the islamic rulings in such a case? I do not support gays by any.. More

  • Husband prevents her from visiting Christian parents often

    My husband doesn't want our newborn son and I to visit my parents more that twice a month because they are Christian (I converted years before meeting my husband) even though it is harming my relationship with them and is preventing our son from developing a relationship with them. He also makes it difficult for us to see them twice a month. He also.. More

  • The baby's hair should be shaved on the seventh day of birth

    Assalamu Alaikum! I've heard that many says that it's good to cut off the baby's hair for 40 Wednesdays continuously.By doing this they says baby will have good knowledge. Is there such thing according to Islam? I want to know if there any references regarding this is to be founded in Hadees or Qur'an? .. More

  • Ahaadeeth about reward for raising a female child

    My first child is female. As a girl's father I like to know the Hadidth about this? .. More

  • Wife is not obliged to live with her in-laws

    Salaam o a'alikum Wa rahmatu Allah ta'ala Wa barakatuh. Asalatu Wa salaam a'ala sayiduna Al akram sayudu Al khaleq sayiduna Mohamed alayhi alef salaat Wa salaam. I seek advice as soon as possible, my relationship is breaking down with my husband. Everything went wrong since our first week of our married life, my problem with him is that he still needs.. More